𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕

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❛❛ i've had those for years now and ive read them a couple of times already. they're really good books! ❜❜

 they're really good books! ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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four days had passes.

hongjoong stood in front of the wheel, his fingers playing with the hard wood and his boots tapping along the floor.

the navigator stood beside him, a map was in his right hand and a compass on his left.

seonghwa glances down on the map before turning towards the open sea again. the navigator placed his compass into his pocket before pulling out a telescope and placing the thinner end of it towards his eye.

he spotted a land in the distance, woki.

he placed the telescope down and turned to his captain "we're nearing land, captain. i believe we'll be there in approximately 30 minutes to an hour"

the captain nodded, his mullet swaying along with his head "gather the crew at the docks in 10 minutes"

the navigator nodded as he obeyed his order and stepped down onto the main deck, telling the crew he passed the command of their captain.

seonghwa went into the sleeping chambers first, waking up the crew. then he went to the individual rooms, not forgetting to knock at the door first before entering.

he went towards the yunho's chambers, knocking softly before entering.

he peeked inside and saw that the quartermaster had fallen asleep on mingi's lap— who was also asleep.

seonghwa didn't want to break the heartwarming sight in front of him, but hongjoong had his order. so he hesitantly went near the two, tapping and shaking their shoulders until they both stirred "hongjoong said to gather at the dock in 10 minutes"

the two mumbled an 'ok' as seonghwa stepped out of the room and continued his task.

next was the gunner. the blonde went to his door, knocking on it before peeking his head inside.

he turned towards the bed and saw wooyoung; on the floor of the bed sat a half empty bottle of beer.

seonghwa immediately knew what was wrong.

he cautiously approached the gunner, the younger boy staring blankly into the ceiling as if there was something of interest up there.

the navigator poked his thigh "woo" he whispers. when the other didnt respond, he poked him again but this time on his forehead.

"mhmm?" wooyoung breathed, slowly sitting upright and crossing his legs.

seonghwa looked at the gunner, a smile ghosting over his mouth. the navigator was reminded when the gunner had just joined the crew, wooyoung was still a young child— twelve if he remembered it correctly— he looked fragile yet strong and the wooyoung that he saw right now.. reminded him of that.

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