𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟔

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❛❛ go and pick anything you like,
my treat for inviting me today,
your majesty ❜❜

❛❛ go and pick anything you like,my treat for inviting me today,your majesty ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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"can y'all help us carry these?" seonghwa said as they threw bags filled with meat and fruits and goodies to the ship.

the crew who were around gladly helped them bring the supplies to the kitchen and pantry. seonghwa thanks the men who opt to help as they smiled back at their navigator before leaving. they were truly like a family.

the trio- which consists of seonghwa, wooyoung and yeosang -spent the rest of their afternoon organizing the place and putting back the things they have bought neatly on the shelves.

the other trio arrived soon after, joining the guys by the kitchen. each held bags full of herbs and spices as they placed it gently by the center table "you're back" the navigator said as he joins them, san takes down all the containers they use from the high shelves before taking out the newly bought spices first and placed them inside the jars.

soojin helps them take the items out, grabbing a jar almost empty of black pepper. she empties the plastic and dumps the small granules inside the jar. she holds the container in her hands as she faces the shelves it was suppose to sit on. she tilts her head up as she stands on her tip toes with her hands reaching up.

she struggled for a while, not wanting to ask for help from the taller people inside the room. she mumbles to herself a 'why im i so short? soobin and san are tall.. why can't i be just a little taller too'

she brings the jar down again, her arms slowly getting numb. jongho looks up from what he was doing as his eyes landed on her trying so hard to get the jar up. a smile appeared on the prince's face. small bean. he leaves his place and approaches the princess.

a hand suddenly appears above her. soojin looks up as she watches the jar being taken from her grip and was placed onto the shelves. the hand rests beside her and onto the wooden counter, caging her inside. she feels the person's presence behind her, unmoving. so she slowly turns, and meets eyes with the person who helped her.

"w-wooyoung?" she had managed to squeak. the gunner raises a brow towards her, his hand still place firmly to the counter "uhmm.. t-thank you" she mentally slaps herself for stuttering.

wooyoung leans forward, his face only inches from her. soojin backs up until her back touches the counter. what is he doing?? is he going to kiss me?? oh god. she instinctively closes her eyes tight and scrunches her face back.

"what are you doing?" wooyoung's voice seemed emotionless. soojin opens one eye before opening both, she sees wooyoung standing in front of her with his arms crossed.

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