𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟕

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❛❛ of course im worried..
who wouldnt be? ❜❜

who wouldnt be? ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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she swings her sword around, the adrenaline pumping through her veins as she attacks her sparring partner.

mingi was chuckling at how she looked- determined with her brows furrowed and sweat dripping down her forehead. even as she tried to beat him, mingi was still standing his ground, barely breaking a sweat compared to her.

it was already the second day of their training, a man named seoho was taking in charge. swords, they were doing swords today.

"do you want to take a break soojin?" he asked as the princess went again for another strike, to which he deflected easily.

she breathes heavily as she stops, holding the sword with one hand and dropping it "sure"

mingi crouches down before she can and picks up her sword, holding it for her, she smiles gratefully as they make their way to the sides and towards the benches where a maid was standing, a tray with a pitcher of water and a few empty glasses balanced in her hand.

they remove their gear carefully, grabbing a glass of water as the two takes a seat by the benches.

soojin gulps her water down, placing the empty cup by her lap as she looks around the training grounds. it was already late in the afternoon, the sun beaming down on the men as they battled with their partner. from afar she sees another group throwing daggers.

the guard only watches her with wide eyes. he takes a moment to inspect her "are you tired?"

the princess looks at him "of course i am" she laughs "i knew training would be hard but im trying to push myself so that i could--"

"not that" it was his turn to chuckle "have you been getting enough sleep?"

"me?" she points to herself "yes, why?"

he raises a brow, crossing his arms together "you just look tired. is something bothering you?"

after a moment she pouts, fully turning to mingi and inching her face closer "what do you feel about yunho? like when you're around him and when you're not?"

mingi scoffs, tilting his head to the side in confusion "that was sudden. why do you ask?"

"just answer it.. please"

mingi clasps his hands together, a smile already making its way to his face as his eyes easily spots the blue haired quartermaster. he was battling with san, his face smiling brightly as he swings his sword.

"well, when im with him.. im happy and i feel like there's a bundle of butterflies in my stomach and like my heart is being squeezed. yunho takes care of me.. most of the time without anyone knowing. he makes me giddy and he makes me feel like-- he looks at me in this way that i cant explain but i feel love and safe"

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