𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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❛❛ that's one, now princess.
its time for you to join your friend ❜❜

its time for you to join your friend ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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soojin woke up, her head aching badly as the afternoon sun scorched her skin. the sound of the ocean waves crashing ringed in her ears.

they were in a cliff.

soojin noticed that she was tied to a tree, her hands bound to her back and a thick piece of rope was tightly tied around her and the tree. her beautiful gown was torn at the bottom, making it short to become a dress.

cloth was tied around her mouth making her voice muffled, she turned to the side and saw mingi. a wash of relief came onto her as she saw the guard's chest raising slowly up and down. he's still alive.

she looked around frantically, spotting her captor almost immediately. there were five men around her, the man with white hair was writing something, placing the piece of paper inside an envelope before handing the letter to one of his men as the guy disappeared into the forest.

the man with white hair finally noticed her. now that soojin could see him properly, she noticed the huge scar that ran along his eyes and right cheek. his merciless orbs stared at her. it was the only thing she had notice since his mouth was covered with a black handkerchief— now that she noticed it, all the men wore black handkerchiefs than covered half of their faces.

"you're awake" her captor went near her and mingi, his gaze unwavering as he crouches down to her level.

the princess wanted to scream for help but she knew it would be useless. the white haired man removed the cloth on her mouth and placed it down to her neck "who are you? where are we?"

the man stared into her "im jongil, princess and to as where we are.. all i could say is that we're far far away from sagwa and that beloved kingdom of yours" he then looked at mingi "somebody wake him up"

a man with black hair came towards mingi and kicked the guard in the stomach. the palace guard grunted in pain as he finally stirred awake. the princess shouted before glaring at the man.

"w-who do you serve?" soojin said, her fist clenching behind her.

"who i serve doesnt concern you princess, we were tasked to dispose you"

the princess felt a chill run up her spine "dispose of me?" her captor only stared "then kill me now, just let my guard go free" mingi stared at her with wide eyes.

mingi struggled against the rope, his shouts becoming muffle because of the cloth on his mouth.

the man raised his brows, a smirk forming behind his mask "brave of you to say princess, but we'll have to kill you both" jongil returned the piece of cloth on soojin's mouth before nodding at one of the bandits.

two men came towards their direction as they struggled to break free. a knife was then pointed at their necks "if you resist, i won't hesitate to slice your neck"

the two men along with jongil directed them towards the edge of the cliff, soojin stared down and started feeling dizzy due to the height.

mingi looked at her, eyes bearing guilt "throw him first and make sure his ropes are tight"

their eyes grew wide. the man behind mingi nodded before pushing the man into the cliff.

soojin watched in horror as she struggled against the man behind her. the knife pressed into her neck deeper— blood oozed from the cut.

she wanted to shout mingi's name, she wanted to punch the people around her. tears started to fall from her face as her body felt numb.

when they heard a splash from underneath, jongil chuckled "that's one, now princess" the man turned to her "its time for you to join your friend"

jongil instructed the man behind her to give the princess to him.

jongil held soojin tightly by her arms placing, her near the edge of the cliff. he came closer to her, his mouth nearing her ears.

soojin stared down to her watery death as she felt the man's breath against her.

"bye princess"

then he pushed her, down the cliff to meet with the water that would soon envelope her every being. he stared at her figure, watching as soojin's body fall and came crashing down the ocean.

her body came in contact with the freezing water. she tried to swim up, her body desperately flailing around in hopes to resurface. her eyes stinging as she tried to keep them open.

she started to feel nausea as her lungs started to fill with water, the salty liquid blocking out any oxygen she had left. 

she was sinking further down and soon her body would meet with the ocean floor.

soojin's vision started to become a blur and then everything turned black.

the end

ok lmaoo im joking ajsnsi there's still a funeral chapter then it'll be the end lol just kidding mwahaha

also,, sorry for the short chapter :((

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