𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓

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❛❛ when the queen finds out we're alive, she'll kill us immediately ❜❜

❛❛ when the queen finds out we're alive, she'll kill us immediately ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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soojin and mingi stayed at the ship.

san never left his sister's side and went with her everywhere. soojin didnt complain, she had missed her brother so much that she didnt want to be separated with him.

san had told them everything— everything that had happened; soojin was shocked to know that the queen had planned everything.

the woman that had been living with her for years. the women who their father told them to call 'mother'. she was the person behind the abducting of her brother.

her blood was boiling. the queen took her san away from her for 2 years.

2 whole years of utterly believing that san was already dead, taken and killed by those pirates that attacked their kingdom.

the three zeeta occupants were settled inside san's room. the princess sat crossed legged on san's bed, her brother just beside her while mingi volunteered to sit on the floor.

"do you think the queen's responsible for your attack?" san stammered, eying both mingi and soojin.

the princess nodded, slightly pulling her legs towards her "i think so, but.. why would she try to get rid of us?"

"i dont know" the prince utters honestly. for the past years he has been with the crew, the underlying thought of why was still lingering on the back of his mind.

"we should go back to zeeta, san" she stared at her brother, making eye contact with the older as the palace guard could only stare back and forth between the two royals.

soojin saw fear and sadness in her brother's eyes. 

"you know we cant, soojin" his voice was low, slightly trembling but sure "when the queen finds out we're alive, she'll kill us immediately" the prince reaches for her hand.

"but what about soobin? he's our brother, what if the queen does something to him?" she squeezed her brother's hand, both from worry and frustration.

san's gaze dropped and stared into their held hands "he's a fighter soojin. lets just pray to the gods that he'll be alright"

the princess removed her hands from her brother's grip "but—"

"other than soobin, i see no other reason to go back to zeeta" the prince firmly said "i've been with the crew for two years soojin and they kept me safe. they're like a family to me and soon you will see them as that too"

"if something happens to soobin.. i dont know what i'll do" soojin balled her fist. she wanted to go back to zeeta, she wanted to see soobin and tell him the news that their eldest brother is alive, she wanted all three of them to be together again.

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