𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟗

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❛❛ we have around 30 men on board.
i think this is just enough ❜❜

i think this is just enough ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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they had been sailing for a week now. hongjoong instructs his men as they land on woki to stock up on supplies.

jongho tells them to only take enough for them to last at least two weeks since sagwa was only a few more days of venture away.

the eight men, along with the princess, gathered inside the captain's chambers "only four people should go down, i think it'll be faster that way rather than have all of you go down" hongjoong said, he turns to yunho, nodding at him "you, san, seonghwa and wooyoung will go down. you four should know your way through the market and town since we've been here for multiple times already"

they nodded. the quartermaster gives the captain a thumbs up as the older dismisses them four.

san turns to yeosang as they passed by the remaining people, he places a hand on his shoulder "make sure she doesn't get into trouble, and no going down to explore"

the wizard nods, a slight chuckle escaping his mouth "dont worry, we'll be fine"

the four leaves the ship, quickly making their way towards min market. they walked side by side, occasionally talking to one another as random things popped up onto their mind.

some people they passed gave them looks. an assortment of merchants, pirates, visitors and women. most girls immediately whispered as they eyed them four.

of course the boys didnt even give them a second glance, clearly uninterested in whatever those women tried to show. even with san's desperate heart, he was still a prince inside.

they arrived at the market soon, seonghwa using his skills to get the cheapest deals on the items they aimed to purchase.

yunho nudged the gunner on his side, taking the loads wooyoung was holding and firmly balances the weight in his own hands. the quartermaster wiggles his brows as wooyoung shook his head vigorously.

the taller's brows knitted together, squinting his eyes at he gives the gunner a warning look.

wooyoung huffs as he taps the navigator on his back "i'll be right back, there's just something i have to do"

seonghwa looks at him curiosity before nodding his head "be quick"

they watched as the gunner walks away and disappears through the crowd.

the three continued to scurry through the market, buying some meat, veggies and some other ingredients that they thought would be nice to have. they held bags filled with goodies as they wait patiently outside the market.

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