𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟏

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❛❛ frowning? im not frowning ❜❜

❛❛ frowning? im not frowning ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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"just a little bit more" seonghwa said as a dagger flew by and hits the target board, near the red circle in the middle.

they had been practicing for three days now and the princess had improved a lot. she smiled proudly as she took another dagger and threw it, the blade missing the circle by just an inch.

"you're getting the hang of this" the navigator gave her a thumbs up. he walked towards the board and pulled out the several daggers. he held them all by the hilt and placed them inside the crate that was settled beside the princess.

as soojin was about to throw another, hongjoong came out of his chambers and approached them "hey" he said as he fixed his jacket.

the group- which consists of the navigator, princess and jongho- smiled towards the captain, greeting him with waves and hellos.

"how's training?" the captain stood beside jongho and placed a hand over the other's shoulder, his eyes still trained at the princess.

soojin smiled "i can kinda do it now" hongjoong looked at her expectantly as he waiting for her to show him. soojin picked up a dagger and held it at its hilt.

she aimed the dagger at the board, not forgetting the navigator's instructions as she throws it with power.

the blade hits the target perfectly at the middle as soojin screamed "look at that! i did it!"

the boys around her smiled widely as they chuckled. the navigator clapped his hand and embraced the princess.

soojin herself couldnt believe that she was able to hit the target but none the less, she was happy.

"well then, i guess we can start with gun practice tomorrow" the captain said as he removes his hand around the prince and crosses them instead.

soojin's smiled slowly disappeared and was replaced with a nervous grin. she had been trying her best to avoid the gunner, she was happy that she had training to distract her from him and her thoughts.

the gunner, of course found it weird but he obviously didnt mind.

hongjoong had his brow raised as he looks at her "why the frown?"

soojin shakes head frantically "frowning? im not frowning" she smiled widely towards the captain "see?"

hongjoong eyed her but didnt say anything else "you guys should just take a break. you've been training none stop and im happy you're actually taking this seriously soojin"

the princess nodded towards the captain as he bided them goodbye and returned to his room once again.

soojin had excused herself. the boys around her watched as she proceeded to enter the ship and into her room. inside, she sat on her bed and laid on top of it, her eyes trailing upwards and met with the ship's dark interior.

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