𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑

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❛❛ im going back to saseum forest ❜❜

❛❛ im going back to saseum forest ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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the trio went back to the ship to drop off the bracelet the guard has gotten his lover.

hongjoong and the two other members has also returned. each were situated in their own respective rooms.

mingi entered the quartermaster's room. he saw the blue haired was passed out on the bed, sleeping soundly as his mouth produced small snorts, obviously exhausted since he had woken up very early in the morning.

"yunho" mingi mumbled as he sat down beside the body of the quartermaster. yunho grumbled as he turned and hugged the guard, digging his face onto the other's back "mhm?"

mingi chuckled "i got you something"

yunho slowly sat up, crossing his legs together and rubbed his eyes like a child "what did you get hon?" he proceeded to stretched his hand out. his face was pouty, the mass of blue hair was tangled with each other and his eyes were still closed.

mingi felt a tug in his heart as he stared at the other. even though they haven't been together for long, he knew that he loved the quartermaster.

he took out the metal bracelet and grabbed the other's wrist, unclasping the lock of it as he wrapped it around yunho's. the bracelet fitted the quartermaster's perfectly.

the blue haired peeked at it with his right eye before sleepily opening both and stared at the accessory.

it was just a simple bracelet— silver in color and it wasnt too thick or thin, it also had a small pearl that hung as a pendant.

"thank you mingi" yunho said leaning forward to place a small kiss on the guard's lips.

mingi smiled as he raised his left hand up and showed the other the matching bracelet. the quartermaster only smiled bigger before placing another kiss on mingi's lips and pulled him down, making then both lie in bed. yunho pulled away from the kiss and buried his face onto the other's neck "now lets go to sleep"

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

three days have already passed since the finishing of hongjoong's trade. the captain had decided to let his crew rest for the remainder of their stay at woki.

"im going back to saseum forest" soojin announced as she entered her brother's room. as she pried the opening further, her eyes instantly landed on her brother. his hands were on the ground and his face looked pained as he struggled to push himself up.

when san was alarmed of his sister's presence, he fixed his facial expression as he breathes in and out "99.. 100"

the prince dusted off his hands as he stood up and stretched his body, groaning as they hear a bone crack "oh soojin, you're here"

the princess stared at him in disbelief "uhmm, ok. im going back to saseum forest" she said as she shook her head.

"why?" san took a sit on his bed, the sound of the mattress squeaking as he did.

"i found some acorns earlier and i wanted to try my luck finding another deer" she showed him the acorns that she had placed inside a small pouch.

her brother nodded as he laid back on his bed, closing his eyes as he mumbled "sure, but have someone accompany you"

soojin nodded as she went out her brother's chambers.

she then looked for the certain blonde, passing by the crew who were tending the needs of the ship. she finally spots him by the main mast, his hair ideally contrasting with the gunner's hair.

"seonghwa!" she beamed as she approached the two. wooyoung only stared at her, his eyes trailing the princess's movements. soojin tapped the navigator's back "can you come with me to saseum forest?"

"i would love to! but hongjoong just gave me a task earlier" the navigator pouted "maybe...?" he slowly turned to glace at the gunner, whose brow raised up, giving both of them unamused looks.

seonghwa gave the princess a small smiled as the gunner walked away "...maybe you could go by yourself, i dont think san would mind"

"but he said to have someone accompany me" the princess crossed her arms.

"he wont notice, just come back soon" seonghwa said as he started back up when he heard the voice of the captain call him "and stay safe!" then he sprinted off and into the captain's chambers.

soojin sighed as she held the bag of acorns tightly in her hand. her feet had led her down the ship and into the docks before walking herself to town and towards the beautiful greenery of saseum forest.

the forest was desolated. even though it was already late in the afternoon, people were still nowhere in sight.

she found herself in the middle of the forest. the sounds of birds and grasshoppers chirping buzzed in her ears as she observantly looked around.

soojin walked carefully, making sure that she wasnt making to much noise that would scare the magnificent creature away.

soon enough, she spotted one, hiding behind a large oak tree. the deer was laying on the grass, its head down onto the soft ground.

soojin took out one of the acorns and held it in between her thumb and index finger. she slowly approached the creature, the deer bringing its head up as had noticed her presence.

"wait" she whispered as the deer got ready to run, extending her hand forward and offering the acorn. the creature stared at it for a moment as it cautiously started to approached her.

when it was just only a few feet away from her. an arrow suddenly came flying by and missed the princess by just an inch, hitting the bark of the tree behind her.

both the princess and the deer were alarmed by the sudden attack, the animal sprinting away as fast as it's little legs can go, leaving poor soojin alone.

she looked around frantically as another arrow flew and missed her once again.

this time, instead of staying put.

she ran.

should i just make this a full blown yungi fanfic?????? lmaooo

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