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❛❛ love is stupid, it leaves you broken ❜❜

❛❛ love is stupid, it leaves you broken ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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soojin's lips were sealed as her eyes wavered a little. the room had grown quiet, the sound of her mother's name echoing in her ears.

wooyoung's eyes grew wide, looking back and forth between the two royals. his gaze lingered at soojin, his mind bursting out questions.


"mom? how is this her fault?"

the queen chuckled, voice void of any humor.

"areum was always the favorite child-- father loved her so much and mother always boasted her beauty to everyone. as the eldest, she was supposed to take over acadia someday.. but father married her off to zeeta-- with sangchul"

"i've loved sangchul before areum even did. i was supposed to be his first wife, i was supposed to be the person he fell in love with. father knew how much i loved sangchul but when he learned that areum also loved him.. he was more than pleased to have them married in no time, unifying acadia and zeeta"

"when your mother suddenly died on that accident. my father thought that he had to marry off another one of his children to keep the connection between zeeta and acadia. father chose me because he knew i still loved sangchul. i was the second choice but i still agreed because i was blinded by how much i loved your father"

"after we got married, i thought that maybe sangchul would get over areum and learn to love me.. i tried to do my best to replace her-- i did everything i can for sangchul and i tried to learn how to love you and your siblings"

"i actually did-- love your whole family, but for the past two years that i have been part of this household.. i have never felt that any of you loved me. i felt like an outsider because none of you were willing to move on from my sister's death"

the queen stopped her walking, her fingers grazing over her bed's soft silk sheets "it made me guilty at first, when i first placed that poison on his drink"

soojin felt as if cold water was poured over her head, her body drenched from head to toe. her eyes were starting to pool up, fists clench tightly on her sides.

"you what?"

queen aora scoffs "it hurt me to see your father slowly dying everyday, knowing i was the cause.. yet i found it satisfying. sangchul deserved to die for hurting me"

"after he passed, i just had to get rid of all of you. i couldnt stand seeing you three, you all reminded me so much of your parents-- san and soobin looked so much like sangchul"

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