𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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❛❛ welcome aboard treasure ❜❜

❛❛ welcome aboard treasure ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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soojin and mingi met up with the quartermaster on the deck exactly five minutes later, not wanting the quartermaster to become impatient.

yunho guided them towards a room set in the middle, just a short walk away from the deck, before knocking "come in" a voice from behind said.

the three entered the room and the first thing soojin noticed was the man with a mullet, seated behind the desk.

"captain" yunho spoke and the man looked up. his eyes first landed on mingi before spotting the princess "i've brought the two"

"thanks yunho" the captain said as yunho came to stand beside him. the blue haired towering over the small figure of the captain.

soojin and mingi stood in front of his oak desk "welcome aboard treasure. im hongjoong, the captain and this is my quartermaster, yunho"

the two zeeta occupants nodded, the palace guard being the first one to speak up "im mingi and this" he points towards soojin "is princess soojin"

the pirates carefully eyed her before turning to look at eachother. hongjoong looks at her once again, a brow raised.

the palace guard squinted his eyes towards the captain "we will give you the choice to stay with us or return to your kingdom. if you choose the latter, we shall drop you on golbi, it'll take you four days to reach the nearest kingdom"

mingi turned to soojin, waiting for the princess's decision "we would be thankful if you dropped us at golbi" she bows ever so slightly, hands resting on her sides.

the captain nodded "very well"

the two just stood there until a knock was heard, a man with blonde hair poked his head in before completely entering "we'll be reaching borah island tomorrow morning to restock then golbi soon"

hongjoong trained his eyes to the new arrival, nodding slightly "thank you seonghwa"

the two stared at the blonde curiously, the captain notices before speaking once again, hands motioning towards the man.

"mingi, princess soojin. this is seonghwa, our ship's navigator"

the navigator turned towards them and tilted his head down as a sign of hello "nice to meet you mingi, you too princess"

"formalities isnt necessary"

the pirates looked at the princess before shrugging "alright then. seonghwa, if you dont mind. can you please assist our guests to the rooms they would be staying at for the mean time" the blonde nodded "lets go"

the navigator turned out to be very nice. as he assisted them towards their rooms, he pointed out doors telling them where they would lead— the crew's quarters, the sickbay and such. some of the crew members turned to them when they pass, bowing slightly towards the outsiders.

"this is the kitchen" seonghwa pointed to an open arch, revealing some cooking equipment and various types of food "you may grab whatever food there is that you would like, there isnt much but we'll be restocking tomorrow"

the two nodded "now here we are at your rooms. mingi you will stay in that room whilst you soojin would stay here"

seonghwa opened a door revealing a room somewhat similar to what she woke up too. dark wood was everywhere, a small dresser was at the side and a bed in the middle along with a small table.

"its nothing as luxurious as your room in the palace, but i do hope you find it comfortable"

soojin looked gratefully at the navigator "thank you seonghwa" the man smiled.

"you are free to roam around the ship, just dont go in our crew's sleeping quarters without their permission" soojin nodded "my room is just over there, please do let me know if you need anything"

the navigator left and entered his own room, leaving soojin and mingi alone "you should rest mingi"

"but soojin—"

"i'll be fine" the princess pushed the man forcefully towards his room before he could complain any further. she closes the door to his room, not missing the dumbfounded face he presented before the thing fully shuts.

soojin entered her own room and immediately plopped down on the bed. exhaustion was finally sinking down on her.

the princess thought that resting might be the best option to do, so she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

soojin woke up in the middle of the night, her stomach grumbling loudly. she could not remember the last time that she had eaten.

remembering the navigator's offer, she lights up the candle that was placed on top of the dresser and proceeded to walk out the room, trying to be as quiet as she can.

the flame of the candle she held was flickering ever so slightly, creating weird shadows on the walls that slightly scared her.

it took soojin quite a while to reach the ship's kitchen, still not very familiar with her surroundings.

she placed the candle down on the table that was set in the middle of the room, lighting up the area with an orange hue.

the kitchen was only dimly lit but soojin was still able to identify the different types of food around her.

she grabbed an apple before taking the candle and walking outside towards the deck.

the night was chilly but soojin found it refreshing. back at the palace she was not allowed to roam around during the night but aboard the ship she was able to see the beautiful stars that twinkled and lighted up the night sky.

she blew the candle off, letting the darkness swarm around her before leaning on the railings and started to eat her apple.

she looks towards the dark horizon before turning upwards. the moon greets her with a mystical glow, its full shape appearing like a huge dot in the inky sky.

on nights like this she had missed san the most. the memories of her brother still fresh in her mind.

soojin then held the necklace that was wrapped around her neck. she sighed in relief that it was still there, the gem in the middle seeming to pulse against her palm.

the princess sadly smiled as an image of her brother popped onto her mind, her eyes trying its best to refrain from crying.

i miss you so much.

my chapters are getting shorter and shorter sksksk someone send help

also yaaay we finally got to meet all 8 members

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