𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟓

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❛❛ ah! thats kopi luwak ❜❜

❛❛ ah! thats kopi luwak ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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she took a deep breath, focusing herself to only the musketoon and the targets. soojin closes her eyes before opening them as she steadies her arm and points it directly at the bottles.

she fires the weapon, the first shot making her tremble a little. she fires again, but this time focusing just a little bit more as she tries to calm her heart. her second shot had managed to hit a bottle, she repeated it again as she hits another then another until all the bottles were gone.

she squeals as she wiggles the gun in the air before pointing it excitedly to the gunner "i did it!"

wooyoung redirects the gun to the side, making the princess hold it downwards "careful with that" he said. he thinks for a second before shaking his head and takes the gun instead "on a second thought, i'll take it instead"

hongjoong emerges from his chambers, just in time to see what soojin had accomplish. he claps his hand which grabbed the attention of the two.

soojin and wooyoung stand together, alone as their spectators had left them two to train.

"good job soojin" he said as he approaches them. the captain gives the princess a bright smile and the gunner a pat on the back "you too wooyoung"

soojin returns the smile- her eyes crinkling at the edges and her mouth flashing her pretty set of teeth. she was clearly happy with what she had achieved "thank you!"

"is our training done now?" wooyoung crosses his arms as he looks at their captain, his eyes almost pleading.

hongjoong looks at him before nodding "i guess it is"

the princess hides her sadness behind that bright smile of hers. even with the gunner completely against this, she unexpectedly found herself enjoying. both the training and mayhaps the company of the other as well.

"seonghwa had told me that we would be reaching jusue island tomorrow, early in the morning. you two should head out and rest" the captain passes by them and heads inside "you did great for your training soojin" he smiles once again.

as his figure reaches the opening, he stops and gestures for wooyoung to follow him. the gunner complies, leaving the princess alone as he walks side by side with the captain.

they talk all the way to the kitchen. the two sat in front of the table by the middle. wooyoung opt for a mug of water and hongjoong took hold of an apple that was left in their pantry.

"im proud of you woo" the captain looks at the gunner as he finishes swallowing his piece of fruit "i know you were completely against this but.. thank you for at least trying. i know its hard for you to interact with them but at least it paid off didnt it?"

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