𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟗

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this is probably just guilt

this is probably just guilt━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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san and yeosang had accompanied her towards the sick bay, just to make sure the hit didn't make her skin bruised.

when they entered, they saw the gunner was fast asleep on the bed. he was snoring softly, clearly unaware of the trio's presence.

san made soojin sit by the bed beside the gunner before leaving and going towards the corner were the medical equipment were.

yeosang stayed beside her and lifted the sleeve of her shirt "im fine you know" she said as yeosang nodded "but we just need to make sure. your body isnt used to getting hit"

the wizard inspected her shoulder, pressing it from different areas. soojin's eyes then unconsciously travelled to the gunner in front of her. his eyes were still closed and his mouth parted slightly.

she took in every detail, not letting this rare moment go to waste. soojin smiled softly, the gunner looked so peaceful, in contrast to how he looked whenever he was awake, he looked so soft that soojin just wanted to poked his cheeks and see how his hair felt against her hands.

her heart felt tingly and her mind was confused. what is this?

she shrugged her thoughts away, this is probably just guilt. wooyoung suddenly tossed and turned around the bed, pulling the covers up and facing his back towards the princess.

she turned to yeosang instead, the wizard was looking at her suspeciously as she stared at him. san came back with some pounded mint and proceeded to slather it on soojin's shoulder and letting it dry. the princess liked the cooling sensation she felt "thank you. this feels nice"

san returned the pounded mint by the table "you're awake"

soojin and yeosang turned to wooyoung who was sleepily rubbing his eyes. the gunner made eye contact with the princess as he stretched.

soojin felt it again.

the princess averted her eyes as yeosang excused himself, bringing soojin outside with him.

"thanks" she mumbled as she turned to look down when the door closed behind them.

yeosang looked at her, his eyes full of concern "are you alright?" she nodded as she looked back, a small smile plastered along her mouth.

"its been such a long time since we've been alone together" soojin said. the princess held the edge of the wizard's shirt and pulled him outside and towards the railings of the ship.

she lets go and placed her arms in front of her, watching as the waves below them hit the ship softly. yeosang smiled as he copied her position and looks towards the horizon, it has been years since he went out of town and the palace, he enjoyed the feeling of being able to move freely but there was still something itching along his heart.

"how are you? i feel like it's been years since i've last seen you" soojin reached and held the other's hand "i missed you"

yeosang smiled once again, holding back the princess's hand "do you.. do you still have that necklace i gave you?" she nodded and pulled it out, showing the wizard the orange amulet.

the wizard pulled out the identical amulet out of his pocket and showed it to her "you know, this is how we found you"

soojin tilted her head to the side "really?"

yeosang nodded, he pulled soojin's hand and placed it along her palms "i placed a tracking spell on it, so that i would know where you are just in case something happens. the amulet would be this bright orange if the owner of it is alive and the light would dull when he or she is gone"

soojin stared at the accessory with fascination "thats why it felt alive"

yeosang chuckled as he closed her palms "but why are you giving this to me? i already have the other one"

"because we're already together. i dont need it anymore"


"give it to someone else, someone special, so you would always know where he or she is" yeosang said before turning towards the horizon once again "maybe jongho?"

he peeked over his shoulder as he gave off a teasing smirk. soojin glared at him as she playfully punched his shoulder.

the two turned silent, enjoying the peacefulness that had quickly enveloped them both.

the sun was close to setting, the beautiful colors blending together perfectly "yeosang?"


soojin turned to him "how's soobin?"

yeosang slowly felt his heart aching. he turned to the girl beside him who was giving him a hopeful smile.

"he's-" he swallowed before forcing a smile "he's fine"

soojin nodded, happy with the wizard's answer before coming closer and leaning onto yeosang's shoulder.

he didn't have the heart to tell her.

not now. yeosang turned and stared at the orange colored horizon.

not now.



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