𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖

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❛❛ she's going to battle with you? ❜❜

❛❛ she's going to battle with you? ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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jongho stood beside the princess, his feet trailing behind her almost everywhere. he and the rest of the boys- well except for wooyoung who kept on getting giving him looks, had gotten close over the few days they've been with the crew

soojin was on her way to the deck. hongjoong had called her mid-day to start her training.

"are you sure you're ok with this? training and all" jongho asked as they took their time walking.

soojin turned to him with a smile "of course" she said "and i hope all goes well"

they continued to walk and just as they were near the open area of the ship, soojin stopped in her tracks and smiled widely at the prince "and i've watched soobin over the years, i think i've picked up a couple of moves"

the princess skipped ahead of jongho, but his feet were glued to the floor as he watched the princess walk. jongho felt his heart breaking as he mumbled to himself "who's going to tell her"


"ok, so i'll be training you for today" yunho held a sword towards soojin, which she gladly accepted. the weight of the weapon dawning on her arm. in contrast to the quartermaster who was carrying it with ease, the princess struggled to hold it "is it heavy?" the taller chuckled.

"i'll manage" soojin said as she held the sword tightly.

yunho guided her towards a make shift practice dummy, which they made from some wood and dried hay.

"so i'll show you first the basics and then i'll teach you, alright?" soojin nodded as she stood by the side. mingi was also beside her, both of them watching the blue haired quartermaster.

yunho swung his sword with grace and agility, every strike made damage on the practice dummy. the quartermaster was so focused, his stance and his grip was perfect and strong.

soojin unconsciously looked towards the taller beside her and grinned when she saw that he was smiling hugely.

her head snapped towards yunho once again as he exhaled and swiped the beads of sweat that had formed along his forehead.

"ok, so that's the basics in sword fighting" yunho went near her a spun his sword coolly "lets start"

her whole afternoon was spent with yunho and mingi. jongho and yeosang was also there, watching the princess as she trained with the two taller ones.

soojin has become very sweaty and it didnt help that the moisture from the ocean was mixing along her sweat.

"your stance soojin, you need to fix it a little bit and remember to hold your sword tightly" the princess nodded as she repositioned herself and held her sword tightly as she struck the practice dummy "exert a little bit more power"

she did what she was told as she kept on hitting the dummy until the quartermaster was satisfied "good"

soojin sat down on one of the crates, feeling exhausted. she made the sword lean onto the crates and she swiped her face with a clean rag "here" a glass of water was placed in front of her, she gratefully took it and drank "thank you" she said as she turned to jongho with a smile.

she stood up again, carrying her sword and walking towards the blue haired. her eyes suddenly trailed up to wooyoung, the gunner was walking along the ship whilst looking towards their small group. he stopped when yeosang and came near him as the two disappeared towards the opposite side of the ship.

"lets do one on one?" yunho said when the princess was in front of him. he handed her a long wooden stick that was the same length as the swords, he held one in his own hand as well.

soojin thanked the quartermaster, taking the wooden stick and holding it tightly.

she readied her stance as she stood face to face with the taller.

"wait" jongho suddenly said as the two turned to him "she's going to battle with you?" he asked skeptically as he stood up.

"do you have a problem with that?" yunho said as he handed the prince the wooden stick "then you do it"

the prince took the sword and held it with his own. the quartermaster leaned towards the princess before standing beside mingi.

"you two can start anytime" he said as he gestures towards the two royals.

jongho and soojin faced eachother before crossing their makeshift swords. the princess smiled towards her opponent softly as jongho smiled back.

she then did the first strike.

jongho stumbled a little, shocked at how aggressive the princess was, he tried his best to deflect every hit rather than attacking the princess. he didnt want to hurt her.

mingi and yunho both watched intently as the fight before them becomes tense.

the two continued to battle when suddenly, soojin wasnt able to anticipate a block from jongho. the prince's stick came striking the princess by her shoulder which made her drop her own makeshift sword in pain.

jongho worriedly drops his and came towards her "are you-"

as the prince was in front of her, soojin swiftly crouches down to pick her stick up and placed its tip below jongho's chin.

the prince looks at her, a little betrayed but a little happy when he sees how big her smile was. his heart felt warm as she giggles "you lose" she said as he raises his hands up in defeat.

soojin brings the stick down as the quartermaster and mingi approaches them. yunho gave her a high-five and mingi pats jongho's back.

"you did great!" yunho said as yeosang comes back and approaches the princess, giving her a thumbs up "good job soojin"

the said princess smiles "yunho told me to fake getting hurt" she said "i didnt know it'll work"

jongho looks at yunho accusingly. the quartermaster chuckles "i guess you have a soft spot for soojin" he said.

yeosang pokes the princess on her side as jongho bashfully looks at her before looking down, a smile creeping on his face.

"yeah. you're right"


its been a month ?????? since i updated ?????? im SO SORRY *takes 90° bow* school's just been a pain in the ass :(((( i'll tRY to write more when im free! i hope y'all understand

its been a month ?????? since i updated ?????? im SO SORRY *takes 90° bow* school's just been a pain in the ass :(((( i'll tRY to write more when im free! i hope y'all understand

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so here's our leader being the cutest lil bean as an apology ⊙.☉

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