𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟖

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❛❛ your jacket looks nice ❜❜

❛❛ your jacket looks nice ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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the two arrive back at the tavern, seeing the seven boys waiting for them outside.

"where did— we were about to look for you!" san speaks out frantically.

she gives a sheepish smile "ahh! uhm.. some drunk men came at me but wooyoung arrived just in time and took me outside. sorry i made you worry"

she pulls the hem of her sleeves down, making sure that the prince— or any one, was not going to see the bruise forming in her wrist.

san looks at the man gratefully "thanks woo. i honestly dont know how to repay you for the amount of times you've saved this idiot from trouble"

the said man only nods his head before joining the couple at the back. jongho glares at the gunner, his eyes piercing at every move the man made.

"if you stare any longer, you might burn through his clothes, and we wouldn't want that to happen" yeosang nudges him slightly, raising a brow as he too, gives the gunner a calculating look.

jongho rolls his eyes, crossing his arms as he huffs, sulking behind the wizard. i shouldn't have left you alone.

the group returns to their hostel, taking their time as they walk through the cold night.

soojin snuggles close to the jacket, thankful for the warmth the piece of clothing was giving. it smelt distinctly of vanilla, sweet to her nose. it made her smile.

"your jacket looks nice" seonghwa says from behind, she turns to look at him as he joins her from the side. he gives the princess a teasing smile as he crosses his arms together.

"its wooyoung's" she says rather shyly.

he hums "i know" the navigator turns around to spot the gunner looking up, occupied by his own thoughts as the couple beside him tried their best to mess with him. he turns to the princess once again, a small smile plastered on his face.

"when did you and wooyoung get close?"

she blushes "i–i dont think we're close.. he's just lending it to me, no big deal"

a chuckle was heard from the man "soojin, that's his favorite jacket.. he never lets anyone wear it other than himself. even me! he once tried to spank me for touching it"

she tilts her head to the side, clutching the excess material of the jacket as she makes small sweater paws.

"i dont understand— wooyoung's.." the navigator looks at her curiously "he's confusing me. sometimes he's nice, most of the time he's not. he's always there when i get into trouble even if he claims that it was all a coincidence, and blames me for getting us in trouble. he's a snob when we aren't together and when we're forced to be alone– or just alone in general, he acts— argh, he makes my head hurt"

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