𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟔

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❛❛ do us all a favor and
just get a room you two ❜❜

❛❛ do us all a favor andjust get a room you two ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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soojin lets her thoughts wonder free as seonghwa placed her in front of the bar, the bartender in front giving a friendly smile.

"hey jinyoung" the navigator says, sitting on one side of the princess.

jinyoung finishes off cleaning a mug before placing it neatly back to the cupboards behind him "its been a while, what can i get you? and.." his eyes dart towards the girl in the middle.

she smiles sheepishly "soojin. im san's sister" she extends a hand which the other takes happily.

"can you get her something with low to no alcohol jinyoung? she's still-" soojin slaps her brother on the shoulder, which the prince held in pain.

jinyoung laughs at the siblings before turning around and whipping up a drink for the three. he returns with two beer bottles for the boys and a special drink-a pinkish looking liquid that was bubbling up as he passed it to her.

"i mixed in some berries in there, so that it wouldn't taste as bitter as the usual alcohol" he winks before leaving the three and tending another customer on the other side of the bar.

soojin takes it gratefully before glaring at her brother, who was eying her drink rather skeptically.

they return to the table to see mingi and yunho cuddling, hongjoong sipping a mug of the bitter drink, yeosang and jongho were talking whilst the gunner only had his arms crossed as he looks at his companions.

a girl suddenly comes to their table, attempting to pull an already semi-drunk hongjoong. he lets her bring him up, pulling him towards the live band were a couple of other people were dancing as well.

the three takes a seat were the captain was before, placing their drinks on top of the wooden table.

seonghwa eyes the lovers, squinting his eye as he takes a small sip from his drink "do us all a favor and just get a room you two. public display of affection hurts my single assed soul"

the two chuckles first before yunho pulls his other half somewhere, leaving the six alone.

soojin takes her first sip, feeling the bittersweet drink in her mouth. it did taste like berries, just like what the bartender had said. she swallows as she makes a face when the after taste came.

the song changes into something upbeat as soojin finds herself tapping her foot along. jongho notices as he taps on her shoulder, getting her attention "care to join me on the dance floor?"

she shakes her head profusely, waving her hands along "im good. i dont really dance-"

"oh come on!" yeosang stands and pulls her up, grabbing jongho with his free hand as he guide them towards the middle of the room.

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