𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟖

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❛❛ nothing. nothing's bothering me ❜❜

❛❛ the stench of alcohol and
the bags under your eyes
says otherwise ❜❜

❛❛ the stench of alcohol andthe bags under your eyessays otherwise ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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dawon kneels on the floor. his two hands placed by his lap as he looks down.

"i.. i didn't think of the consequences of my actions. i was greedy and that led to the deaths of my fellow crew mates" he mumbles.

hongjoong fires the musketoon, hitting the floor beside dawon- he didnt care whether he was destroying his own ship, it was already ruined in the first place.

"i fucking asked you why you did it you ungrateful asshole. we took you in and treated you as family when your own kin didnt even see you as one"

dawon trembles a little "i didnt want to be like this, i didnt want to be a subordinate to any of you. i wanted to be part of the higher positions, not just a measly powder monkey" he says "that man, jongil, bribed me.. telling me that once i give them the coordinates of our next venture, they'll take me in.. give me money and a high position in some army"

"so you sold us off just like that? betrayed us?" hongjoong throws him a necklace, its charm and chain landing in front of him- a necklace that was so so familiar to him. the other's eyes started to tear up as he stares at the accessory "your brother jaeyoon died today. you.. didnt even think about him"

dawon cries as he takes hold of the necklace and clenches it around his fist. hongjoong looks at him with pity before wiping it off his face and looks at him emotionlessly once again.

"lock him up. we'll drop him off at the nearest deserted island, let him bring his guilt for the rest of his life"


the siblings handled their grief in different ways.

san went ahead and did his tasks around the ship, helping the injured and portraying his duties as the ship's medic. he tried to keep himself busy so that he wouldnt have to think about soobin.

soojin on the other hand, was locking herself inside her room. refusing any food or comfort the boys were giving her. she was spacing out inside her room, the news about her brother has brought back the years of pain she had felt when san was taken.. but this was worst.

she was bundling herself in her blanket as she stares at the flowers by her table.

"be careful honey" soobin ran around the palace garden with san chasing him around.

soojin was sitting on her father's lap, holding a flower in her hand "look at this father, isnt it pretty? mom! daisies are your favorite right?" the princess wiggles her small hand in front of their mother, who bears a bright smile.

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