𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟒

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❛❛ you dont need to apologise soojin ❜❜

❛❛ you dont need to apologise soojin ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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san and soojin walked silently to their room. he lays his fingers on the doorknob of it before opening, not waiting for his sister to enter.

san sat on the bed first, his hands intertwined with eachother as he balances his head in between.

"san-" she started, her voice wavering.

"why?" he cut her of, his voice getting muffled in his hands "i know.. i know you arent fine soojin, and soobin's death took a toll on you- but.. i thought we were enough, i was enough for you to get through your grief"


"im your brother too soojin, why didnt you consult with me first? this is dangerous! didnt you think that hongjoong and the crew is enough already? they've been with you for quite a while now-"

"i know you just want to protect me san, but i cant just stand still when she's killed soobin! she's ruling over zeeta when she's was never supposed to" soojin said it all with one breath, clutching her side as guilt started to bubble up inside "san.. i dont want to pull anybody into this, i never want to harm the boys.. but as jongho said, sagwa might help us. with their army and us versus that ratchet queen.. we might just claim back what's rightfully ours"

soojin walked slowly towards san, who looked deflated "please open your eyes. its been long enough.. its time, san. i know you're afraid.. i am too, but-"

"i just dont want to lose you too.. we've already lost soobin and if i lose you too-" he chokes ever so slightly as a tear falls down "i dont know what to do.. i just want to protect you, what's best for you"

"i know that san.. im sorry i shouted, im sorry that i did this without telling you, but.. think about zeeta, the kingdom we grew up in- the kingdom father and mother and soobin loved so much"

he turns silent, thinking what the right world he was supposed to say. he felt deflated, taking a deep sigh as he closes his eyes tight "...you're right. this is dangerous, but if you're willing to risk yourself.. i'll support and join you" san gestures her to hug him, spreading his arms open wide. soojin snuggles close to him, using her sleeve to wipe away to tears that trinkled down his face.

"im sorry" she said, hugging her brother tighter, san buried his face into the crook of her neck, his tears soaking her delicate skin.

he lets out a muffled voice "what for? you already said sorry earlier"

she gives a sad chuckle "im sorry for not being there for you.. when you were grieving for soobin. i've never really thought how you felt after being separated from us for the past two years.. im sorry for being selfish and im sorry for pushing you away. i just realized how selfish of a person i've been to both you and yeosang, i want to take care of y'all as much as you've taken care of me"

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