𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖

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❛❛ so, are you and yunho..? ❜❜

? ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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just as seonghwa estimated, the ship reached woki in a matter of 20 minutes.

the crew worked around the ship, attending their own duties as they settled the vessel by the docks.

soojin glanced around, spotting san pulling on ropes by the mast, hands expertly gripping the material as another person assists him.

the princess was honestly amazed at the sight, havent really thought at how much skills her brother must have picked up for working on the ship for years.

she then stared out into the land. multiple ships were docked along the pier along with many people strolling around– women were dressed in middle class gowns and men wore either loose and raggy clothes, which most of the crew here wore, or something a little bit more neater. there were also women who wore revealing clothes with men clinging to them, arms slung around their shoulders.

soojin ripped her gaze away from the crowd when hongjoong started shouting by the wheel.

"we have arrived! all of you are free for the rest of the day" the crew cheered as they all disappeared into their rooms, probably going to rest or preparing themselves to explore the land.

san approached his sister, slinging his arm around her "lets go into town!"

soojin nodded happily "i'll just go grab some money, wait for me here" with that, the prince left, disappearing inside as he heads for his room.

mingi and the quartermaster had joined her now, each giving a smile.

"we're going to town! you should join us soojin" yunho exclaims happily, bopping his blue hair around.

the princess beams at the two, uttering a greeting "me and san are actually going! i think seonghwa will join us too"

"we should go together" the palace guard suggests "its been a while since i've been with you and san"

soojin smiled softly, pulling the taller into a side-hug "awww~"

"im back" the voice of the prince greets them as he joins their small group, seonghwa just behind him.

"can mingi and yunho join us?" the princess asked "they're going to town as well"

the new arrivals greeted the taller ones and nodded "the more the merrier!"

the group huddled together as they made their way towards the head of the ship. hongjoong was in his chambers, list in hand as the blonde knocked on his door.

the group filed inside one by one, greeting their captain with smiled on their faces.

hongjoong acknowledged the bunch as he smiles at them from his desk "we're leaving for town captain" the quartermaster said "will be back before sundown"

the mullet haired stood up, his accessories clinking together "all right, but please bring wooyoung with you, i have a few things i need him to buy" the blue haired nodded as the captain handed him the list.

the group bid their captain farewell as they left his chambers and gathered together by the deck. seonghwa took the list from yunho's hand "i'll go grab wooyoung, we'll meet you all at tong's taverns" they nodded.

"you know the way there, right yunho?" the quartermaster chuckled at their navigator's nervous remark.

"we wont get lost seonghwa. we've been there multiple times already" he gave the navigator a tap on the back.

"dont get lost ok?" the blonde sighed before leaving.

the group also took their departure, going down the ship and into the port.

soojin wobbled down as her feet finally met solid ground. the wood of the dock was moist underneath the sandals she wore and the breeze that came from the sea blew softly against her hair. san soon came beside her and stabled himself as the rest came down as well.

"seonghwa said to meet at tong's taverns first, so we'll go there and meet with seonghwa and wooyoung before doing anything else" the rest nodded as yunho led the way towards the said meeting place.

during their walk, soojin had managed to steal mingi away from the quartermaster, pulling him back as she looped her arms with his. so the two now walked side by side, just a little behind the prince and yunho.

every now and then the blue-haired would turn to look behind just to make sure the two were still trailing after them– meeting their eyes and smiling before turning to look in front once again.

"so" soojin started "are you and yunho..?" she trailed off, her brows rising up and down whilst a cheeky grin played on her face.

even without asking soojin knew– everyone knew– that something was going on between the palace guard and the blue haired quartermaster.

the taller turned his head to the side and looked down, making an attempt to hide the blush that was creeping on his face.

"is it obvious?" soojin stopped in her tracks, making the taller man stopped as well.

"really mingi? you're asking that question" the princess lets out a laughed, mingi turning redder at the remark.

"stop laughing" he sulks as he walks a little bit faster, leaving soojin alone. she only giggles more at his reaction, jogging up to his pace until she was able to catch up to him.

"you two are cute" she pokes him on the side, making the taller flinch a little. mingi narrows his eyes at her, eliciting another set of laughter from the princess.

"i mean, like.. i knew you two would end up together the moment we decided to stay"

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

the four arrived at tong's taverns.

they were huddled together as they entered through the old wooden doors. the bell above it rang, the sound alarming the bartenders and other customers who were inside.

most were pirate looking people with women clinging onto their sides, while some were ordinary looking boys and girls who were just enjoying themselves with their multicolored drinks. the live band near the corner was playing songs with their wooden instruments, creating very amusing tunes.

in contrast with outside, it was dim indoors, only the candles that were lit in the tables illuminated the area as well as the very small amount of light that peeked behind the covered windows.

the people inside eyed them, each giving the group unreadable looks.

the group sat on a table by the corner. a waitress wearing semi revealing clothes approached them "what can i get you fellas?"

she had a paper in hand and a pen stuck in the middle of her cleavage, she took it and clicked.

yunho told her their orders and the lady finally left.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

they eyed the four newcomers, each of their backs were behind them.

a smug look was plastered on his face as he clicks his tongue. the small crew with him pried their eyes away from the group— specifically away from the girl and the boy with the red highlights. 

his deep voice spoke among them.

"tell the queen.. their princess is alive and she's with their dead prince"

i highkey really want to publish that jongho fanfic im writing sksksk i prolly would once i've written up to chapter 5 hmmm idk

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