𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏

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❛❛ it was so embarrassing ❜❜

❛❛ it was so embarrassing ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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hongjoong, san and soojin helped with setting up the table. the boys carried the heavy thing out into the deck of the ship whilst soojin went to the kitchen to grab some plates and utensils.

as the princess enters the kitchen, she immediately greets the couple, who was busy grabbing ingredients that they would be using for the cook out. wooyoung was also there, tending the meet and preparing it to be grilled, he didnt even turn to acknowledge the princess's arrival, focusing on his task instead.

"the plates are over there" the quartermaster points towards a cupboard. he was preparing some lettuce while the palace guard beside him was transferring some red substance into a small bowl.

soojin nodded, muttering a small thanks to the busy quartermaster. she grabs a chair and stood on top of it, steadying herself first before proceeding to grab some of the plates, not forgetting to count them.

when soojin got the right amount of plates, she balanced them into her arms and tried to go down the chair. suddenly her feet landed wrongly on the ground as she prepared for her impact onto the floor.

wooyoung who was unknowingly watching the princess, hesitated but quickly made his way towards her and catching soojin just in time.

she fell into his arms, the plates still hugged into her abdomen. wooyoung had catched her fall and was carrying her bridal style. they stared at eachother for a second before the gunner turned his head to the side and released his grip, releasing the princess onto the ground.

her gaze didnt falter as she landed on her feet. the couple by the corner was only watching the scene in front of them.

"thank you" she mumbled, her face slowly turning red. the gunner didnt say anything as he turned his back towards her and continued doing his task.

soojin turned to the couple who was smiling- yunho and mingi quickly ripped their gaze away and acted as if nothing had happened.

the princess cleared her throat as she held the plates and grabbed the utensils. she hurriedly went out of the kitchen and went towards the deck, the cool air immediately hitting her as soon as she stepped out.

soojin placed the plates and utensils on top of the table and sat down. she laid her face down, her forehead touching the wood rather hard "what's wrong with you?" san asked, standing behind her chair.

she mumbled a set of incoherent words "what?" the prince came closer as his sister raised her head suddenly. he takes a step back, eyes blinking rapidly.

"it was so embarrassing" she grumbled, ruffling her hair as she slouched on the chair.

san raised his brow in confusion. the quartermaster and mingi soon came outside, each were bringing plates filled with side dishes. the two saw the princess's condition and tried to withhold their laughter.

the prince turned to the two "what happened with her?"

yunho finally bursts out laughing which made soojin more embarrassed than she already was. the blue haired told the prince everything that had happened inside the kitchen, san only laughing after.

soojin turned to the three and glared at each of them, the captain then came beside her and placed his hand on her shoulder "they're always like that, get used to it" hongjoong chuckled.

seonghwa came towards them soon, his face was etched with confusion as he stared at them— mingi, yunho and san were laughing so much, soojin was frowning and sending the trio daggers whilst hongjoong was standing beside her.

"what did i miss?"

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

the seven were all gather around the table whilst seonghwa was busy cooking the meat over by the grill. the aroma produced by the meat was enough for them to salivate, feet bouncing excitedly to start eating.

the group chattered with eachother, except for the gunner and princess who seemed silent among them all.

soojin still felt embarrassed and proceeded to ignore the other's presence. wooyoung didnt mind that she was not talking at all.

she was seated between the captain and san, her brother was eagerly picking on the side dishes present on the table.

seonghwa placed the first batch of meat on two separate plates and placed them on either side of the table.

the navigator return to his place by the grill, setting another slab of meat on the hot surface whilst the boys quickly scavenged the perfectly cooked meat.

soojin held her chopsticks and took a piece before placing it inside her mouth, the juice and deliciousness of the meat melting into her mouth. she smiled and took another.

yunho taught her how to make a lettuce wrap. she followed the older's instructions and ate the finished product, humming as she enjoyed the taste of the food, her awkwardness gone.

she made another lettuce wrap and was about to pop it into her mouth when she saw the navigator working hard in the corner of her eye.

she stood up, grabbing the attention of san and hongjoong. the gunner also took a glance at her as she made her way towards the blonde.

soojin tapped the navigator's shoulder, he turned and smiled at her "here" she offered her wrap as seonghwa stared at it and opened his mouth, soojin gladly placed it in his "how is it?" she asked as he chewed, his smile turning bigger "its good!"

the princess told seonghwa to join them soon as the other replied that he would join them after this batch.

she returned to the table, gasping as she saw that most of the food was already gone. she sat down and quickly took another piece as seonghwa finally joined them, placing another batch of meat on top of the table and sitting beside wooyoung.

the group ate together, laughing and chatting with one another, but a certain gunner had his mind floating somewhere else as he ate his meat and stared mindlessly.

obviously a filler chapter sksksk im so sooooorry (╥﹏╥)

but i hope you enjoyed these cute lil scenes with hwa and wooyoung ;))

ok, quick question.

who do you ship with soojin????



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