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❛❛ pirates attacked the palace ❜❜

❛❛ pirates attacked the palace ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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a few hours have passed and the sun was already setting in the horizon.

yeosang and soojin were seated on the grass, underneath a tall tree. smoke was still arising from the palace and sounds of canon fire was still heard.

the two were waiting for mingi's return. if  the palace guard was to return. both were very worried for the people inside the palace.

soojin's mind kept on thinking about her two siblings, repeating mantras and prayers that they were safe. she'd imagine soobin swinging his sword, deflecting every attack whilst san stayed near the safe room, sword in hand and ready to attack any intruder, they would have not let him fight since the coronation was near, the people needed their future king to be safe.

a few minutes have passed and the two noticed that the canon fire has finally stopped. a loud bell was heard by the sea as the ship sailed away from their kingdom.

yeosang and soojin breath in a sigh of relief as the intruders have finally left, but both was still very tense.

an hour has passed when they finally heard the galloping of a horse near them. they turned to see mingi, riding in his steed, hair messy with mysterious dark stains littered all over his uniform. he had a very sullen look on his face, the palace guard was clearly bothered.

"the pirates have left" he said whilst dismounting his horse, his voice was strained as he felt a lump building up at the back of his throat. he wanted to tell them but couldnt bear to say the news.

"mingi" yeosang was the first to speak "what happened?"

the palace guard only stared at him then at soojin, his face etched with sadness and guilt.

"mingi" it was the princess now, her heart was beginning to beat fast inside her chest, nervousness creeping up on her "answer"

"t–they— the—" the palace guard looked down. yeosang approaches him and placed a hand on his back "they what?"

"they.. they took prince san"

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

soojin rode on her horse as fast as she can. the two shouted her name but she did not stop.

she wanted to reach the castle as fast as she can. the palace guard must have been joking.

within a few minutes soojin arrives at the palace, she dismounted her horse as she ran inside, a few servants approached her but she pushed past them until she reached her brother.

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