𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔

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❛❛ your room is so messy  ❜❜

❛❛ your room is so messy  ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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soojin laid on her bed trying to get some sleep, but a few minutes have already passed and the peaceful slumber she wanted still hasnt come.

she was about to shuffle in her bed once again when the door to her room opened "knock knock" soobin's head came poking in before his body fully entered his sister's chambers.

"you know you're supposed to knock first before coming in right?"

soobin chuckled as he position himself at the edge if soojin's bed. even with the dim light inside her room, soojin could see the excitement and worry etched in her brother's face.

"so.. why are you here?" she asked as she sat up, crossing her legs to be more comfortable.

"the council discussed it to me and mother earlier, and uhm.. they're going to make me become king next month" he scratched the back of his neck "there hasnt been an official date yet–"

soobin wasnt able to finish as soojin quickly embraced her brother into a tight hug "im so happy for you" she mumbles.

"dont tell me you're going to cry"

soojin playfully punched her brother's chest "im not" but she was kinda lying as tears were already starting to pool along her eyes.

"i dont think i'll be as great as a king san could have been.. but i'll do my best for him and father"

the princess smiled towards her brother, taking hold of his hand and squeezing it for comfort "im sure they're proud of you soobin"

"i hope they are. mother wasnt super fond of the idea but the council said it was law that when the crown prince has turned 21, he should become king as soon as possible when there was no current king ruling so.. i guess its my time now"

"i dont know why mother doesn't want you to rule.. you'll make a great king for zeeta"

"thanks sister"

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

"soojin. may i speak with you?" the queen asked as the family finished their lunch.

soojin sneaked a glance towards soobin who only nodded before leaving the dining hall.

"what is it mother?" she asked.

the two royals were seated near eachother, the queen at the head of the table while soojin was just on the seat beside her.

"i want you to visit sagwa next week" soojin looked at her questioningly "meet the family there, get to know eachother"

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