𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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❛❛ thank you, my queen ❜❜

❛❛ thank you, my queen ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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a scream from a maid awakened most of the palace occupants early in the morning.

a few guards came running towards the source, the wizard running as well as curiosity and alarm filled his veins.

he stops in front of soobin's room, his shoes skidding as he held tightly on the door frame. the maid that screamed was shaking violently as another servant came and comforted her.

yeosang stepped into the room and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the lifeless body of the young prince.

his hand immediately flew towards his mouth as he took in the sight in front of him.

soobin's lips looked blue and his eyes were lifelessly open, blood was all over his wrist and bed sheets.

yeosang stepped closer and noticed the broken glass on the floor, blue liquid was splattered all over, mixing in with dark red which he assumed was more blood.

did he drug himself?

yeosang placed his slim fingers on the prince's neck, hoping for a pulse, but he knew that the prince was already dead.

the wizard's heart broke even more as he gently placed a shaky hand on top of the other's eyes and closed them shut. he had cried himself to sleep last night and now he wanted to cry even more.

all of the choi siblings are gone.

the queen arrived at the scene moments later. she stared at the body of her dead child. nobody knew what she was feeling but she left almost immediately and locked herself in her chambers.

yeosang studied the body of choi soobin, not believing that the younger had drugged and killed himself. he knew the guy better than anyone inside the palace.

he knew soobin would never commit suicide.

the wizard took note of the blue lips soobin had and how bloodshot his eyes were. he found it weird, the potion he had given soobin was a sleeping potion that was supposed to relieve headaches and remove redness and puffiness from the eyes.

yeosang did not stay any longer as the sight of his friend was not something he could bear to look at.

nightfall came and the queen had announced the suicidal death of choi soobin. the people were both sad and furious at how foolish the prince was to kill himself— but some people understood the pain and grief that the prince must have felt, he has lost the last blood-related family he had.

the queen sat on her bed, her maids brushing the strands of her silky hair. a soft knock came on her door as a man went inside. the queen asked the maids to leave them two alone.

the man stared at the queen's back, her face still looking out the window "you did well geun. you were able to dispose soobin's body cleanly, making it appear like suicide. just how i wanted it"

geun only nodded "thank you, my queen"

"i have sent bags of gold to your family" the queen peered outside her window, looking over the town from afar "you may now leave"

geun fearfully bowed before turning "oh, geun"

"yes my queen?" the man turned in his heels and faced the queen. a knife suddenly came flying by and pierced its way directly at geun's heart.

the queen stared at the lifeless body and watched as crimson liquid spilled from underneath.

she came closer and pulled the dagger out before cleaning the blood off on the dead man's shirt.

she returned the dagger beside her bed and slept peacefully all throughout the night.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

yeosang was walking his way back to his room when a light emitting from the inside of the queen's chambers made him stop.

the door was slightly opened.

yeosang knew he would be killed if he was discovered to be eavesdropping on the queen's conversations, but his mind was all over the place.

the wizard knew something— something that nobody in the whole kingdom knew.

he stopped a few meters away from the door and was able to catch a few of the words they were saying.

"you did well geun. you were able to dispose soobin's body cleanly, making it appear like suicide. just how i wanted it"

yeosang covered his mouth, he had heard enough.

his body felt cold as a shiver ran down his spine. he wanted to throw up, nausea building up at the back of his throat. 

yeosang started walking away, his pace going faster as a thud suddenly echoes from the inside of the queen's chambers. his body flinched at the sound, sending another swarm of thoughts to invade his mind.

he reached his room in no time as he locked the door immediately.

yeosang clenched his hair as he positioned himself in front of his desk.

his conclusion was right.

soobin didnt drug himself.

he was suffocated to death.

he was murdered.

yeosang's eyes started to tear up in frustration, feeling utterly helpless and useless in that moment.

the wizard started to cry once again, anger boiling inside of him. he grabbed one of the vials of liquid and threw the thing towards the walls, its glass shattering.

yeosang placed his hand over his face as hot tears continuously spilled out of his eyes.

he looked up and was about to throw another vial when his eyes spotted a faint glow.

he quickly pulled himself together and reached for the object. he held it tight, his knuckles completely turning white.

why didnt i remember this earlier?

another wave a guilt washed over him as he placed the object in his pocket.

this chapter is actually quite short omgg im so sorry! i had to end it here for suspense purposes lmao

thoughts about the queen?

also omggg TYSM FOR 200+ VIEWS AND 50+ VOTES!!!

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