𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟕

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❛❛ would you mind if i stay
with you for a while? ❜❜

❛❛ would you mind if i staywith you for a while? ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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the man pulls his hand back, aiming it directly at the girl's face.

as he was about to bring it down, soojin was suddenly pulled back, slipping away from her captor's grip. the person takes the dagger that was in her hand and holds the hilt of it.

bambam stumbles forward, bumping onto the man he was with. the taller between the two snarled as he pushes the drunk back.

"didn't you hear her? she said go away"

the two men scoff "who are you? pretty boy's acting tough in front of his girlfriend huh?"

he keeps his hold on the princess's hand, pulling her behind him protectively. he gives the men a smug look as he spins the dagger with his free hand.

"im not acting tough. now, i dont want any trouble lads, just leave and let's pretend nothing happened"

the taller chuckled, his head tilting back as he gives a humorless laugh.

as the man was about to punch her protector, the latter pulls the dagger out, ready to slash the man if ever he did hit him.

"yugyeom! what the hell are you doing?" the taller stops, looking behind to see the familiar bartender. his face morphs into something ideally contrasting to what he looked earlier.

gone was the smug looking man.

"j-jinyoung?" the two men say in unison, suddenly looking sober.

the bartender scrunches his forehead together before approaching the two and using his hands to pinch the ears of the boys.

"im sorry for whatever these boys did. i swear they're nice people when they arent intoxicated" he twists the ears of the two, earning a symphony of 'ouch' and 'it hurts'. he makes the two face them "apologize"

"we're sorry" they say through their pain.

jinyoung releases his grip, rubbing his temples as the two places their hands obediently in front, looking like puppies who were scolded by their owner.

"i really am sorry for these idiots, wooyoung-" he faces the princess apologetically "you too soojin, i hope they didnt hurt you badly"

"its fine" she says, using her hand to hide the growing bruise by her wrist. she smiles as the man says farewell, giving the two boys beside him looks while he scolds then until their ears bled.

as they disappear from their sight, she turns to wooyoung, rubbing the back of her neck as she looks down "ahh.. thank you for coming just in time. i dont know what would have happened if you didnt intervene"

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