𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎

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❛❛ thank you! i made them all myself ❜❜

❛❛ thank you! i made them all myself ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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beomgyu returned with multiple stylish clothing items all bundled up in his arms.

he laid them flat on a table somewhere near the fitting area, sighing in relief as he lets go of the weight in his arms. beomgyu had brought with him an assortment of dresses and blouses along with a pair of plain pants.

soojin stared at the beautiful pieces of clothing, each where either simple with plain colors and small details or very flashy with bold prints and colors. the tailor clearly had a good eye for fashion.

"these are beautiful beomgyu" she smiled, looking at the shop owner who was bearing a smile as well "thank you! i made them all myself"

san and seonghwa also turned to look at the assortment "this is why we buy all our clothes from you gyu" the navigator chuckled as he patted the younger on his back.

he smiled at the compliment as he grabbed two pieces of clothing and ushered them toward the princess "try these on!"

soojin held the items and went inside the fitting area. as she entered she placed the clothes on top of a stool which was placed by the corner of the small room, there was also an old mirror inside, rust was forming on the side as it showed age.

she took her clothes off one by one and wore the items the shop owner has given. it was a cropped checkered pattern blouse, the top was paired with plain black culottes that stopped just by her shin.

soojin stared at her reflection, fixing the necklace she wore and aligning it straight.

she went out the room and was immediately greeted by beomgyu, who was waiting outside, he handed her a pair of brown leather boots as well as a wicker belt whose color was similar with the shoes.

she went out the room and was immediately greeted by beomgyu, who was waiting outside, he handed her a pair of brown leather boots as well as a wicker belt whose color was similar with the shoes

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[ here's a reference so you'll have an idea what she looks like ]

the two walked out of the fitting area. san and seonghwa immediately turned to them, a smile plastered on each of their faces.

"you look beautiful" san exclaimed as he approached her. the older then revealed an orange headband and made her wear it "there you go. it matches your necklace"

san fixed his sister's blonde hair and made her turn around. he showed a thumbs up towards her then glanced at beomgyu, the tailor was already busy looking for the next outfit "beomgyu did a good job"

"he did! and look, a crop top! i thought these were myths in the kingdom" san chuckled.

seonghwa approached the two siblings, a shirt cradled on his arm "you look nice soojin" he said, the princess thanked him before beomgyu called her over and shoved another set of clothes towards the princess.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

the three left orangeade, thanking beomgyu and leaving the boutique with a couple of bags filled with clothing.

the sun was already about to set, the different shades of orange and yellow blending together in the sky, casting its beautiful hue over the town.

they made their way across town once again, passing by the fountain in the main square and the shop filled with knickknacks "i'll just go there tomorrow" soojin mutters.

after a few more minutes of walking, they arrived back at the ship. treasure was silent as it swayed occasionally to the waves.

most of the crew were out to town and would probably not come back till the next day. the trio made their way into their separate rooms, dropping off the bags they held and met up by the ship's deck.

"is hongjoong here?" soojin asked, shifting her weight to her right leg.

"probably" the navigator answered "he never leaves the ship alone, unless he needs to"

the three approached the captain's chambers, knocking on it softly before opening. seonghwa's head peeked inside, seeing the captain had fallen asleep on his bed.

he closed the door carefully and turned to the siblings "he's asleep"

the two replied with an oh before walking away from their captain's room.

"hello?" the quartermaster's voice boomed. the couple soon spotted the three as they smiled "where is everyone? its empty here"

san chuckled "they probably went to town. i guess we have the ship all to ourselves"

the five turned to the sound of boots, climbing up the ladder that connected the ship and the town's dock.

wooyoung threw up the heavy bag he was bringing and proceeded to climb up the ladder. he took a deep sigh as his shoes left a loud thud on the wooden floor.

the grouped watched him as he unknowingly carried the bag, mumbling incoherent words with his face morphed into a scowl.

"if hongjoong wasnt the captain i would've—"

the boys burst out laughing when wooyoung finally noticed them, eyed wide at the appearance of the group. the quartermaster held his stomach from too much laughter as the navigator held onto san's shoulders, wiping out tears that seemed to have escaped.

"you would've what?" hongjoong suddenly came out from his room, the captain's hair was messily sticking out as he stumbled on his steps, rubbing the sleep off his eyes.

they rest only laughed louder as wooyoung looked down.

the princess only stared at him, brows quirked up. 

he's getting flustered?

a small grin tugged its way on her face, a warm feeling blooming in her chest as wooyoung looked up, giving off a bashful smile and tilting his head slightly back.

they made eye contact.

wooyoung's smile slowly faltered as he eyed her up and down. he coughed and held the bag tighter "i'll leave this in your room captain, and uhmm i'll bring the meat to the kitchen" then he left.

hongjoong joined the group "what was that all about?" they shrugged.

the captain tried to fix his hair, gliding his fingers through it. soojin opted to help the boy as hongjoong was only making it worst "thanks soojin" he smiled.

"well, ok" the captain clapped his hands together, garnering the attention of those around "i guess everyone in the crew isnt going to be here tonight. why dont we set up the grill and eat some meat!"

they all cheered– stomachs rumbling at the mention of meat.

ok, so before you say that this isnt what pirates wear, dress up, look or something. lets just pretend they do lmaoo imagine the members wearing their outfits for wave, illusion and say my name, ok? maybe treasure and
pirate king as well!

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