𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟒

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❛❛ we.. want you dead princess ❜❜

 want you dead princess ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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she ran as fast as her feet could take her.

since she was in the middle of saseum forest, it would take her a while to reach the busy town.

as she ran, another arrow came flying by and struck the land beside her. soojin ran faster when she suddenly heard boots crunching the dried branches and leaves that have fallen out the many trees.

she turned around, silently praying that it was someone who was going to help her. but she soon felt fear and disappointment when her eye met with scruffy looking pirates.

each of the men held swords in their hands and musketoons were placed on the holsters along their waist.

soojin's head snapped back in front once again and continued running faster. her legs had started to ache but that didn't stop her. she needed to get back onto the ship.

she suddenly stopped, her heart dropping into the pit of her stomach as she meets with a dead end.

soojin stared at the high rock wall in front of her. she contemplated whether climbing was an option, but with how steep it was, she only given the option to find another way out.

she turned around to leave when the pirates had already circled around her, trapping her in between them and the wall.

there were seven men in total "please. what do you want?"

a man, who she thought was the captain, gave a smirk as he placed his sword down onto the ground, its sharp and pointy tip hitting below and leaning on it "we.. want you dead princess, as well as that prince san"

soojin's eyes grew wide.

they know who i am and they know about san.

"we'll only get our payment once queen aora sees your heads off your body. might as well do it now"

the pirate stepped forward as soojin takes a shaky step back. this kept on happening until the princess had no more space, her back hitting the rough wall behind her with a thud.

the guy placed the tip of the sword below her chin before raising it up. soojin closed her eyes as she prepared herself but she felt nothing as she heard a loud boom. she slowly opened her eyes, her body feeling weak and shaking as she stared onto the lifeless body of the guy.

the remaining six pirates turned around with angry and incredulous expressions.

soojin's eyes also trailed up and stared at her savior.

"leave the princess alone, or have the same fate as your captain"

the gunner had his right arm up while his hand held a musketoon. smoke was coming out the small hole of it.

one of the pirates came at him, his sword swinging as wooyoung took another shot, the pirate had managed to block out the first shot but soon was struck by the bullet on his leg, he screamed in pain as he dropped the sword.

wooyoung took this as an opportunity as he raised his gun up and shot the poor man on the head.

another one came at him as he took another shot, hitting the man on his shoulder, he pulled the trigger once again but nothing came out "shit" wooyoung mumbled under his breath and dropped the gun before pulling out a sword. metal clashed against metal as he fought with his opponent.

wooyoung was able to slash his sword across the man's chest as he hissed. the gunner then proceeded to pierced his sword through the abdomen of the other.

the black haired at this point was now starting to feel tired. two of the pirates started advancing on him.

he tried his best to deflect all the attacks when he suddenly felt pain on his shoulder. wooyoung hissed in pain as blood started to bloom under the shirt he was wearing.

he held his shoulder as he pointed his sword towards the two pirates. the pirates chuckled "not so tough now huh?"

wooyoung snarled at the two as he glanced over to the princess, the girl frozen in shock "run!" he shouts "tell the captain or anyone—"

soojin stared at him as his voice buzzed in her ears. she watched as wooyoung was kicked over the legs by one of the pirates who were watching, so now there were three men around the gunner in total.

a man stomped his boot over wooyoung's stomach and placed the tip of his sword on the gunner's wound as wooyoung screamed.

the last pirate then came towards soojin, a smirk plastered on his face.

the princess eyed the pirate for a moment before running past him, ducking under his outstretched arms as she went towards wooyoung, pushing the man with his foot stomped over the gunner.

the said man stumbled, the tip of the sword pressed onto the gunner's wound was released as blood dripped from it.

soojin took the sword that had fallen out of the gunner's grasp and held it with shaky hands, pointing it towards the four men that had circled around them.

"i told you to run away" wooyoung hissed as he stayed behind her, his hand clutching his bloody shoulder.

soojin turned towards him quickly "im not going to leave you here. you were going to get killed"

the gunner scoffed "and whose fault is that?"

the princess exhaled deeply before detaching her gaze from the boy and stared around the four pirates.

"dont be a fool princess" one of the pirates spoke up as he stepped towards her. soojin raised the sword and slashed the man directly on the cheek.

the man placed his fingers over the fresh wound and looked at it, he chuckled darkly as he saw crimson "now you really pissed me off"

he advanced over the princess as he raised his sword up.

wooyoung tried to sit up and push the princess away when the two suddenly watched at the pirate fell down, an arrow head was pierced right through his chest.

the rest of the pirates as well as the two stared behind them.

they saw a man with a bow in his hand, he loaded another arrow through it and held it up, its tip pointed towards the pirates.

beside the man with the bow stood another man, a sword was held tightly in his hand as he gave the pirates deathly glares.

soojin stared at the two with wide eyes.

"yeosang? jongho?"

the two quickly turned to her, each bearing a smile.

"hi princess"

winkwonk w(°o°)w

also i know the gif at the top kinda doesnt go with this chapter but woosan owns my heart (also yungi) alamaia

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