𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟓

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❛❛ you're here ❜❜

❛❛ you're here ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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soojin stared at the two with both happiness and disbelief.

she felt tears brimming along her eyes but she stopped them since it was not the time.

they had a bigger problem to face.

the pirates left the princess and wooyoung as they all advanced towards the newcomers, bearing their weapons as they advanced with scowls on their faces.

yeosang released the arrow as it hits one of the men over the leg just as jongho held his sword and sliced it through his opponent's flesh.

soojin ripped her gaze away from the two as she turned to wooyoung, still dazed and her mind clouded as she still isnt fully convinced that the two are actually there.

she crouch down beside wooyoung as she took hold of his other arm. the gunner shrugged her off but soojin still held his arm firmly "im helping you. you dont have a choice, please set aside your 'hatred' for me for a while because look at yourself wooyoung. you cant even sit yourself up"

the words were hurried as they left soojin's lips, yet her voice was firm and had no room for any actual argument. wooyoung only stared at her for a moment before he hesitantly complied.

the princess helped the gunner stand up as they both stared at the commotion on the other side.

they watched as jongho pierced his weapon right through the last pirate, blood splattered everywhere as fresh crimson decorated his sword, dripping to dry soil beneath. 

he pulled the sword away, he's eyes clouded with fury and adrenaline pumped through his veins "nobody messes with my princess"

yeosang placed his hand over the prince's shoulder as jongho turned to him. he quickly went out his daze as he dropped his sword.

soojin, who was holding wooyoung up, stared at the two as they slowly approached her. the princess hesitantly lets the gunner go and ran towards the two, embracing them tightly.

she slams onto them, the boys welcoming her with open arms as they get entangled in a hug. she finally lets her tears go, soaking the fabric of their shirts.

"you're here" she whispers, digging her face deeper in between the two.

the wizard and prince held her tightly "we are.. thank the heavens we arrived in time"

they pull away from their embrace as she wiped her tears away. her nose had already turned red, contrasting with the color of her skin.

jongho softly smiled at her as he booped her nose. soojin giggle as she smiled back. the unnoticed gunner behind them, held his stomach and cradled his injured arm, coughed which earned the attention of the three.

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