𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟐

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❛❛ well.. san woke up and panicked
when he didnt find you in your room ❜❜

 san woke up and panickedwhen he didnt find you in your room ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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the next day came and aboard the treasure were soojin and the boys along with some members of the crew who came stumbling into the ship during dawn.

she stretched her body and wobbled herself to the ship's deck where she saw some of the crew passed out, their limbs sprawled all over the floor.

she just stared at their states and tried to muffle a laugh.

hongjoong soon came out of his room, his hair all fixed up and was wearing his red jacket. beside him stood the tall quartermaster, all neat looking with his blue hair up and parted at the middle and lastly, the gunner was trailing behind them, wearing his distressed white denim jacket and attempted to fix his own hair.

soojin's fingers itched to fix his black locks as she saw that there was a piece out of place.

but she restrained herself and only balled her fist quickly, suddenly remembering the events the night before. she didnt want to be awkward towards the gunner, so she acted normally as if nothing had happened.

"where are you off to?" she asked as she approached them.

hongjoong took noticed of her as he smiled "oh, you're awake" the captain said "we're going to meet junkyu for the trade"

soojin's mouth formed an 'oh' understanding why the boys looked a little bit more attractive than they normally would. it also explains why they're awake this early in the morning.

she walked the three down the ship and into the pier. the morning fog was still misting down, making soojin's face feel moist.

the princess bid them goodbye, her eyes glancing quickly towards the gunner before looking down.

"we'll be back soon" then they walked away. soojin turned to climb up on the ladder that connected the ship and the docks, climbing each step carefully. not noticing the gunner when he had turned and looked at her.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

soojin did her best to wake every crew by the deck, telling them that they should go back to their sleeping quarters.

when she had manage to tell everyone (but not everyone listened) she proceeded to lay on her bed once again, trying to find sleep.

seconds turned to minutes as she just stared into the ceiling of her room. soojin then stood up, picking up one of the books the navigator has given her and walked back down onto the pier.

her feet led her down to the nearby beach. she sat down, the sand sticking into her clothes.

soojin's legs were half stretched in front of her. the sun was just rising from the horizon, making the dark sky turn into a mass of orange, yellows, pinks and blues.

she watched in awe as she lets the peacefulness swarm around her. the cool gentle ocean bring softly hitting her face as the waves calmly washed up on shore.

she opening the book, successful reading the first chapter before a tap on her shoulder disturbed her.

soojin turned and saw that seonghwa was standing behind her. she watched as he took a seat right beside her and mimicked her position.

the princess reached up and fixed the navigator's messy hair. seonghwa smiled as he stared at her "thank you"

soojin smiled back as she retracted her hand and held her knees together.

"how long have you been here?" seonghwa asked, spotting the familiar book "you're reading the book i gave you!"

the princess chuckled "i am. i just finish the first chapter, its really good so far!" she then stopped and thought for a second, not remembering how long she's been here since she did not keep track of time "im also not sure how long i've been here"

she heard the boy chuckle beside her "what are you doing here?" soojin asked this time.

"well.. san woke up and panicked when he didnt find you in your room, so he woke mingi up and asked if he seen you which of course, he said no. then he woke me up and asked and i said no and told him that you probably just walked around" he stopped to breathed "then he asked me to look around and i found you"

soojin listened to his explanation, laughing after at how her brother acted— waking up poor mingi and seonghwa, she kinda felt bad.

after that, they had both just stayed silent, enjoying the peacefulness around them.

a couple of minutes pass when seonghwa had suggested for them to return to the ship. as they did, they arrived in the vessel with a very worried san.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

mid-day has come and the captain along with his two crewmates were still not back.

soojin, san and mingi were walking around town. seonghwa had wanted to join the three but the captain had left him in charge while he was away, meaning the navigator couldn't just leave the ship.

the three zeeta occupants were huddled together, walking side by side as they passed by the shops they saw the day before.

soojin had her arms linked with the two as she pulled them inside the store filled with various types of knickknacks.

once they were inside, an old man with a bushy beard and glasses greeted them.

the trio went their separate ways as they explored the inside of the shop.

soojin found herself in the aisle by the storefront window, where most of the jewelry was. she watched as the gems and gold sparkle, the sunlight from outside hitting it.


she held on one of the many golden rings, taking it out of the case and fitted it into her slim finger.

it was a perfect fit. the ring was gold in color and three roses— red, white and orange were set in the middle. it was made with some sort of colored crystals, making it shine brightly.

san had found her admiring the beautiful ring as he stood beside her "do you want that?" he asked.

soojin turned to him with a soft smile "its very beautiful san, but it must be pretty expensive"

"i asked you if you want it, not how much it costs" he chuckled as took her hand into his and inspected the ring "its very pretty"

"it is. but.. we'll just get it the next time we come here" her brother nodded before making their way towards another aisle.

after a few minutes, the trio thanked the shop owner and exited the small establishment.

the siblings came out empty handed whilst the palace guard held on a small bag- he had gotten his lover a gift, a bracelet that matches with his.

mingi smiled happily as they made their way into a different part of town.

im lowkey shocked and happy that people started shipping wooyoung and soojin aksians but like,, all of them are possible love interests soooo merp except for san and yungi lmaoo

also,,, all them seonghwa and soojin shippers hey hi helloo

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