𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟕

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❛❛ that's a beautiful necklace ❜❜

❛❛ that's a beautiful necklace ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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san had managed to bring down two men, ignoring the pain in his shoulder where an opponent was able to place a nasty cut on. blood covered his armor, some of it splattered along his face, mixing in with the dust and dirt.

as he was about to dash to help one of the soldiers, he starts feeling something underneath shirt. with anxiousness starting to bubble inside of him, he takes the amulet out, the gem hot in his touch and the purple glow it gave was intensifying with ever second.

it would have looked beautiful if not for the meaning it held.

he looks around frantically, spotting jongho finishing off a man as he pulls out his sword.

the other prince must have felt it as well as he also took hold of the gem tucked underneath his shirt. jongho looks around, sighing as he locks eyes with san.

alarm soon takes over their short relief as their faces morphed into realization of what was happening.


the man steps over the wizard's body, aiming towards soojin with his dagger clenched around his hand.

her ears were ringing, numbing her surroundings as everything turn to hushed mumbles.

soojin forced herself to pry her eyes away from yeosang's body, grabbing the last of her smoke bomb with her free hand. she shouts once again, running towards the approaching man as she throws the glass, making it shatter by the man's shoulder.

the perpetrator stops, giving enough time for soojin to come near him and throws her dagger, its end digging on his chest and blood blossoms. the big man stumbles for a bit before falling backwards, giving out his last breath.

the princess ran as fast as she can, sliding down to her knees as she takes hold of the wizard's head and places it gently on her lap.

"y-yeosang" her hands were shaking, laying her palms flat in his cheek. crimson decorated her hands now as she looks at it.

blood. so much blood.

she tears the fabric of her sleeve as she balls it up and presses it onto the wizard's side, applying pressure. his eyes opened weakly, looking at her with glistening orbs.

he gives her a small smile before coughing once again, blood continues to trickle down on the corner of his mouth. soojin felt another surge of panic as yeosang sucks in a ragged breathe.

"hey hey hey" she utters, taking a metal vial from her belt, it almost fell from her grasps as she fumbles to remove the cap "stay with me"

she pours the liquid onto his side, yeosang winces but barely reacts as his body started felting numb. everything felt numb.

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