𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟔

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❛❛ you should take my job, that was amazing! ❜❜

❛❛ you should take my job, that was amazing! ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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soojin was excited to join them, nervous at most but excited.

she was wearing the same training gear as the rest except hers had extra protection due to her brother's request.

san came by her room, brows furrowed as he eyes his sister up and down. the prince exhaled deeply, placing a tight smile on his face "you ready?" he says as soojin nods eagerly.

they walk side by side towards the training grounds, the sun beaming down and casting shadows as they passed by the hallways in silence.

the others were already there when they arrived, chatting amongst themselves. leedo was also there, talking with five other men.

the siblings greeted the boys "nice of you to join us" seonghwa said, smiling at the two.

before they could even reply, leedo sounded a whistle, making everyone gather in neat rows.

soojin stood stiffly, san on her left and yeosang on her right— both seeming like calming devices to the princess. her toes were wiggling underneath her boots and her eyes were following the movements of the general and the five new men.

"good morning everyone" he said, earning a symphony of greetings back.

"today, we will be training in groups" he waits for a response, seeing that he had caught the attention of the people, he continues.

"each of us has a specialty in terms of battle" he directs to the five other men who bows "we will be training your assigned group for a day before you'll be moving on with the next instructor. we will assess and assign you to a certain group after where you would only be focusing on that certain skill, like archery and swords"

they all nodded, understanding the general's instructions.

soojin was glad she was grouped with her brother, as well as the other seven boys. a tall, slim man was leading them somewhere, leaving the premises of the training grounds and into a small forest like area.

jongho was walking beside the man, hands behind his back as they talked. meanwhile, the rest were looking at their surroundings, fascinated at the new area they were entering. the siblings were no exemption as this was also their first time encountering this place.

as they reached the center of the forest, they saw three big practice targets made of wood. there was a rack on the sides holding multiple bows and an assortment of arrows. there were also other equipment that was used for archery.

the man leads aways from the prince and stands tall in middle, facing the group with a smile "my name is keonhee and as you can see, i will be teaching you archery"

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