𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝟎

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❛❛ i love you so much ❜❜

❛❛ i love you so much ❜❜━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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soojin scurries all around the palace, passing curious eyes which she ignored.

her heart felt warm with happiness that maybe they could really have that happy ending she wished.. but at the same time, guilt was brewing in the pit of her stomach. it was never her intention to hurt jongho.

she shakes the thought away, eying her surroundings as she turned another corner. her feet almost slips but thankfully didn't, grabbing hold onto the wall to steady herself.

she passes by san and a couple of members of the council. the older men looks at her confusedly, having not enough time to bow at the princess.

"soojin--" san gets cut off as she turns, slowing down and bowing respectfully at the group.

"do you know where wooyoung is?" she asked hurriedly, feet bouncing on the floor beneath her. san eyes her weirdly before pointing somewhere.

soojin didnt even ask any questions before flashing the council a smile and dashing away once again.

they all curiously watch her go, san's eyes lingering on her for a little bit longer.

"she's such a bubbly child" one of the older men says, continuing their walk around the palace "prince san, about the coronation, i believe that it is quite overdue"

they chuckle, san scratching the back of his head "we'll have it organize by next week. zeeta needs a ruler and you are more than fit for the position. i believe we still have a couple of things to discuss--"

"please do excuse me and dont take this rudely" the prince cuts him off, bowing slightly apologetic "i have a very big request to ask and as future king, im not really taking no as an answer"

soojin's feet has taken her to the gunner's room, knocking on the door softly as she felt her palms sweating up.

she opens it without invitation and spots the gunner in the center of the room, feet stopping short as he sees her entering his room.

wooyoung's hair was sticking out in different directions, plump lips set in a pout and cheeks holding a slight blush. his clothes were wrinkled and he looked like he just woke up.

he tenses up at her presence, hearing the door close behind her. wooyoung blinks his eyes rapidly before rubbing it with the back of his hand.


the princess basically runs up to him, her heart ringing in her ears and her eyes teary.

she wraps her arms around the gunner's neck and pulls him down for a kiss.

wooyoung stares at her for a second before responding, closing his own eyes and kissing her back with the same longing.

the gunner wraps his arms tightly around her waist, pulling in her closer and leaning in more.

the kiss was electrifying, feeling drawn into eachother more with every twist and turn. it awakened something in both of them, their hearts beating in sync inside their chests in a rhythmic pattern that only they could play.

their stomachs were fluttering and no matter how many times they would kiss.. it would still seem like their first-- a bottle full of mixed emotions and a jar filled with love.

they pulled away, panting as they connected their foreheads. lips slightly brushing against eachother as they could feel their warm breaths fanning their faces.

wooyoung still had his eyes closed, his arms that were wrapped around her waist holding her firm as if he didnt hold her.. she would disappear.

"i love you" she whispers, looking up "i love you so much"

wooyoung opens his eyes now, staring down at her with his beautiful brown orbs glistening.

"im not asleep?" she shakes her head, a smile ghosting her lips "how about jongho?"

she cups his cheek, the gunner leaning onto the touch "we're not getting married anymore"

he blinks his eyes, looking at the girl suspiciously "are you sure this isnt a dream?"

she shakes her head, smiling brightly.

"you're mine?" she nods "and im yours?"

she nods once again, placing a small peck on his lips "always"

wooyoung slowly smiles, the corner of his eyes crinkling and his teeth baring it's perfect set of teeth. he lifts her up and spins, peppering her with light kisses all over her face as she erupts into a fit of giggles at every touch.

his lips were soft against her skin and her heart was bursting with so much warmth and happiness it could explode.

he stops, placing soojin carefully back on her feet. he gently clasps her face in his hands, unable to hide the happiness he felt.

he plants a short kiss in her forehead "i love you"

then on the tip of her nose "i love you"

he stares at her for a second.

she was the most beautiful soul he has ever seen.

her eyes shined so brightly that even the stars are put to shame, her smile that's accompanied by the cutest dimples, the rose-like blush and rice cake like cheeks.

she was adorable and cute but beautiful at the same time. wooyoung would forever wonder how a girl like her existed.

a girl who he thought was nothing but a burden when they first met.

he didnt know when he started liking her, when her small hands were able to reach and touch his stone-like heart.

when he started caring for the girl who always got herself in trouble, his eyes always looking out in secret to see if she was fine or not.

how the girl was able to make him feel what love was.. not platonic love, but real actual love.

wooyoung slowly leans in, their kiss deep and loving, full of emotion and passion. he pulls back after, leaving one last kiss on her lips.

"i love you"

soojin smiles "i love you too"

wooyoung engulfs her in a hug, digging his face at the crock of the princess's neck "and thank you" his voice tickled the skin it touched.

soojin had her arms wrapped around him, gently caressing and drawing circles at his back "for what?"

"for saving me" his voice was muffled but you could hear the genuineness his words held.

she pulls back, resting her hands by his waist. soojin tilts her head a little "saving you?"

"well.. queen areum-- your mom. she saved me; got me out of that place, and if my suspicions are correct... it was your 10th birthday" he tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "so in a way, you kinda also saved me"


double update because this and the last chapter is connected hihi

edit: when i said last chapter, i meant PREVIOUS CHAPTERS AKAKAK

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