Call Me Brother Qiu

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One Day

A grim looking man walked out of He Cheng's office, his head low as he closed the door.

He Cheng dropped into the leather chair behind his huge oak desk in shock.

He's dead?

No, there has to be a mistake. He Cheng picked up his phone and dialled Qiu's number. No answer.

Nothing but silence.

He Cheng couldn't sit still. He got up and rushed out of his office and out of the building, ignoring the looks of sympathy that followed him. He Cheng got into his car and drove, however he wasn't entirely sure of where he was going. He picked up his phone again and called Qiu's phone. Still no answer.

"Don't do this to me," He murmured to himself. "Don't you be dead, Qiu."

He Cheng thought back to the time they first met.


"You must be He Cheng," He turned around to find a white haired male standing in the doorway. The man bowed low and respectfully. "I'm Qiu."

He Cheng bowed slightly in return. "What can I do for you, Qiu?" He asked as he turned back to the book in his hands.

"Well, I want to get to know you better," Qiu walked into the room and closed the door behind him. "The Boss said that from today onward, you and I are going to be working closely together. It's only right that I try and get to know you a bit better." He Cheng said nothing, causing Qiu to move closer to the taller and bigger built man. A small grin appeared on his face as he peered over He Cheng's shoulder, glancing at the book in his hands. "What are you reading?"

He Cheng slammed the book shut and turned his head to look at Qiu suspiciously. "Nosy little bastard, aren't you?"

"I prefer the word 'curious'." He grinned wider.

He Cheng opened his book again and decided it was best to ignore Qiu. Growing bored, Qiu decided to test He Cheng's reflexes; he slowly reached around He Cheng and tried to grab the book. Before he could grab it, He Cheng had thrown the book on the desk and turned around, placing one hand on Qiu's arm and the other on his chest. He then swung his leg under Qiu's and knocked him over, using the hand on his chest to apply pressure.

Qiu landed on his back, grunting at the impact. He looked up to see He Cheng's face inches from his own as the older male knelt beside him. He Cheng pressed on his chest slightly adding more pressure. "It would be wise of you to not get on my bad side, Qiu." He murmured.

"Brother Qiu."

He Cheng was taken back. "What?"

"Call me Brother Qiu," He grinned before quickly adding, "please."

He Cheng narrowed his eyes but couldn't stop the amusement from seeping into his expression. "I'll call you Brother Qiu the day you die."

Qiu looked disappointed. "Not what I had in mind but better than never I suppose."

He Cheng's eyes darted to Qiu's lips before he got up and walked towards the door. "Get up, Qiu. We've got work to do."

Qiu breathed out a laugh. "Yes, sir."


He Cheng found himself outside of the motel room he had been staying in for the last month or so. He was due to return to his father's estate soon but had been trying to convince his brother, Tian, to go with him before he went.

Before he got out of the car, he pulled his phone out and, once again, dialled Qiu's number. Still nothing. Numbly, he walked to the motel door; as he was pulling out the keys he noticed the door was slightly ajar. He Cheng pulled his gun out of his waistband and gently pushed the door open.

Scanning his surroundings, he noticed movement at the end of the bed but due to the darkness he could only see their shape. Not taking his eyes off the object, he flicked the light switch on. In shock, He Cheng dropped his gun.

"Surprise," a voice called out weakly. "did you miss me?"

Qiu was hunched over on the end of his bed, bruises and cuts filled his body and his clothes and hair was damp, even though it wasn't raining and hadn't all day. Grunting, he stood up, holding his ribs, and grinned weakly at the man before him.

"I was in a car chase with some Koreans' who thought it was okay to try and steal some money from us. Usually I wouldn't have run but I was hugely outnumbered. Then they chased me off a bridge and into the river. I didn't know where else I could go so I thought of you and-"

Before he could finish, He Cheng was moving towards him and wrapping his arms around Qiu. The white haired male stood there in shock, not moving or saying a word.

"I thought you were dead." He Cheng mumbled into Qiu's neck.

Qiu's eyes widened before his expression softened into a smile. "Does this mean you're going to finally call me Brother Qiu?" He chuckled.

He Cheng squeezed tighter before holding his at arms length. "You're a crazy bastard, Qiu."

Qiu frowned. "I'm still not hearing Broth-" He Cheng interrupted him again. This time, He Cheng kissed him. Qiu froze in place. His long time best friend and partner was kissing him. At first he wasn't sure how to react but found himself leaning into the kiss. The kiss was long and deep, He Cheng throwing all his feelings into it. How he had longed to do that.

Moving his head back, He Cheng let a small smile touch his face. "Don't you ever leave me again, Brother Qiu."

Qiu's shock turned into a relieved grin. "I won't, Cheng. I promise."


Here's to Ashwood199 and bubblyartsy for my ChengxQiu shippers. This one's for you.

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