Father's Day

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One Day

He Tian was mad. The only time he had ever been this mad was when She Li had set up Mo Guan Shan. His brother, He Cheng had somehow managed to trick him into seeing his father. Just because it was Father's Day doesn't mean he had to even think about his father, let alone go and see him. He never came to visit on either of their birthday's so why should he bother.

It's not like he ever acted like a real father anyway.

He Tian slammed his finger into the elevator button that took him to the floor of his apartment, angry. All he wanted to do was get into bed and text Don't Close Mountain to annoy him. That always made him feel better. A small smile worked its way onto his face as he stepped out of the elevator.

The smile turned into a look of surprise as he glanced at his door and found a certain redhead slumped on the floor leaning against it. Speak of the devil... A little concerned, He Tian approached carefully, not to scare the boy who looked like he was sleeping. The hell is he even doing here?

"Little Mo?" He Tian called out softly.

It seemed to do the trick as Guan Shan's head twitched before rising slowly to rest glassy eyes on He Tian. "He Tian? Are you back? Where.... Where have you been?" Guan Shan seemed to slur his words ever so slightly.

He Tian took a closer look. Guan Shan's cheeks were flushed and he seemed to be having trouble keeping his head up right and his focus on He Tian. He had also just spotted a bottle top poking out from between Guan Shan and the door.

"Are you drunk?" He Tian asked with mixed emotions of amusement and bewilderment. Never in his time of knowing Guan Shan had he ever seen him in this state.

Guan Shan raised a hand and almost pressed his thumb and index finger together, squinting at them. "A little bit." Guan Shan then huffed and dropped his hand to his side and grabbed the half empty bottle, taking a sip.

Growing concerned with this unnatural behaviour, He Tian took another step closer. "What's wrong, Little Mo?" He asked softly.

Maybe it was the question or maybe it was the tone of voice He Tian used, but whatever it was, it made Guan Shan glance up with tear-filled eyes. He sighed and pressed his back and head against the door.

"It's Father's Day."

He Tian's heart dropped. He had forgotten. His father's in prison. Well, shit. He Tian pulled a troubled look before sighing. He walked over to Guan Shan and nudged the redhead's leg with his foot.

"Move over." Guan Shan frowned and grumbled his annoyance before shuffling over. He Tian sat beside the redhead and rested his head against the door. He took the bottle out of Guan Shan's hands and took a sip. "Did you go and see him?"

Guan Shan turned his head away. "I wasn't allowed. Solitary confinement. No one's allowed to see him."

He Tian turned to face him. "I'm sorry."

Still turned away, Guan Shan shrugged his shoulder lazily. After a moment, Guan Shan turned his head slightly so he was peaking at He Tian out of the corner of his eye. "Did you go? See your"- he hiccuped -"your father?"

He Tian sighed and took another sip. "Yeah. But we're not close."

Guan Shan turned to face He Tian and frowned tiredly, his flushed cheeks making his freckles stand out more. "Give that back." He grabbed the bottle back and chugged on it a few times. Pulling away, he screwed up his face and wiped his mouth with his arm. He Tian couldn't help but smile at how cute he looked in that moment. After a few seconds of silence, Guan Shan glanced at He Tian again. "What do you mean you're not close? He's your father, isn't he?"

He Tian shook his head slightly. "Just because he's my father doesn't mean he's always been a good dad, Guan Shan. He..." He Tian seemed lost for words. "He never raised us, my brother and I. My brother raised me until my uncle did. He's always put his work before us and I always hated him for that."

"Me too."

He Tian looked at Guan Shan in surprise. A tear slowly slid down Guan Shan's cheek. "My father always put the restaurant before Ma and I and I always kinda hated him for that. I hated him even more when he got arrested for what he had done. He put Ma and I in a lot of debt and that's the one thing I'll never forgive him for," Guan Shan sniffed and swiped at the stray tear. "But he's my father, you know? He's my family and I'll always love him."

He Cheng popped into He Tian's mind and he couldn't help but admit Guan Shan was right on some levels. The boys sat in silence quietly thinking about their families, yet appreciating each other's company.

Quietly, He Tian asked, "Why are you here? How comes you're not at home with Auntie?"

Guan Shan shrugged his shoulder again. "Can't face her on this day or dad's birthday. She doesn't need to see me like this. I don't want her to think I'm weak or pathetic. I'm here because..." Guan Shan turned his head away again and sighed. "Because I was walking around and ended up here and was too tired to move again, okay? So don't question me, chicken dick."

He Tian smiled. "First time you've insulted me tonight? Sobering up, are you?"

Guan Shan turned to glare but seemed to find the situation amusing as he started with a small smile and turned into a laughing fit. This was the first time He Tian had ever seen Guan Shan laugh so freely.

The sight was beautiful.

After calming down, Guan Shan drained the last of the bottle before He Tian stood and held his hand out. "Come, Redhead. Let's make some beef stew."

Guan Shan stared for a moment before he grabbed He Tian's waiting hand. "You can't cook and I'm too drunk. Let's order."

He Tian smiled softly.

"It's a deal."

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