Every Three Months

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Warning: There are sex scenes in this One Shot. 18+ only.

One Day

"Please, Brother Mo! Come out with us."

Mo Guan Shan sat in his bed and glanced at the alarm clock on his bedside table. 10:42pm. His brow furrowed with slight annoyance as he put his focus back onto the phone call he was having with Cun Tou.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not coming out tonight! I'm fucking tired."

Cun Tou huffed. "Are you sure?" He said softly. "We can always find you an Alpha. You haven't seen anyone else since-"

"Don't. Just don't." Guan Shan shivered as grey eyes with wide, lust-filled pupils popped into his head. "I don't need another reminder. Just have fun without me, Shithead."

"It's already been a year, Brother Mo. You'll let me talk you into coming out with us one night."

Guan Shan shook his head and ended the call without responding. He glanced at the clock once more before setting his phone beside it and laying down to sleep. However, sleep alluded him as it always did on this night every three months. He wasn't sure if he was being filled with excitement or dread.

Guan Shan had already prepared himself in the shower earlier so that when he came, he wouldn't hurt Guan Shan as much as he used to. Guan Shan turned to look at his clock again. 10:49pm. Not that he meant to; he wasn't exactly in control of himself when he showed himself every three months.

He'll be here soon. The thought made his heart race in his chest and he wondered if there would ever be a day where this would stop, a day where he wouldn't show up anymore. His heart hurt at the thought of that. 11:00pm. The sudden banging on the door made Guan Shan jump, as it did every time, and he climbed out of bed and raced to the door. He stopped short and took a deep breath to calm his racing heart before he opened the door with a shaky hand.

Before he opened it fully, a body burst through the door and attached itself to Guan Shan, pushing him violently against the wall. Guan Shan gasped and stretched to shut the door with his foot.

"Jesus, He Tian, give me a fucking sec-" Before he could continue, He Tian grabbed his face and pushed his own against it with all of his force. Guan Shan knew it was going to be bruised tomorrow, as it always was after he left.

Guan Shan wasn't sure why he even bothered trying to talk to He Tian. He looked up into his grey eyes and noticed his wide pupils. Pheromones engulfed Guan Shan and he knew that this Alpha was in a rut. Guan Shan wasn't entirely sure why he came here every time he was in a rut, but he had done ever since they broke up. It was almost like the Alpha part of him wasn't ready to let go of the Omega he once possessed.

At first, Guan Shan was entirely confused and heart broken when he realised He Tian didn't remember a thing afterwards. He had hinted and gestured but He Tian acted clueless, which wasn't like him. He seemed confused as to why his nights were disappearing. After a while Guan Shan had gotten used to these visits, had craved them. He wasn't entirely sure if it was his Omega side missing an Alpha's presence or if it was Guan Shan missing He Tian.

He Tian picked Guan Shan up and carried him to the bedroom, their mouths never separating. He dropped Guan Shan on the bed and pulled his clothes off before removing his own. With a wave of his pheromones, He Tian pushed inside and Guan Shan felt him visibly relax, like he missed this feeling. Guan Shan was glad he had prepared himself beforehand. Even with the preparation, it was still hard to take all of He Tian in.

Not that He Tian seemed to mind. He breathed heavily and moaned softly in Guan Shan's ear before moving his mouth to meet the other. Guan Shan felt his own pheromones coming on in force as he realised He Tian's pheromones were making him go into heat. It wasn't the first time this happened and Guan Shan was a bit uncertain of how to feel. The last time their heat and rut matched, they had sex for three days straight, not getting in contact with anyone and causing a lot of people to worry. Guan Shan didn't remember much from then but when he woke up He Tian was gone, like he was every time, and he was covered in marks and bruises, resulting in a stiff and sore body for a week straight.

He Tian pulled out and flipped Guan Shan over before pushing back inside. He leaned down and kissed Guan Shan's shoulder before biting hard. Guan Shan cried out in both pain and pleasure before he released another load. His vision was getting hazy and he was sure he wouldn't remember much of this. He wondered how long this was going to last for. He Tian turned him back around and Guan Shan wrapped his arms around him.

Suddenly, Guan Shan was filled with sadness and he let a few tears loose. He wished He Tian would remember this and all the other times they had been together. He wished they had never broken up in the first place. Some deep part of him wished he could forget too and move on with his life, he was tired of waiting for this night every three months. Was he destined to be stuck as He Tian's rut partner, never being anything more once again? He didn't want that.

He Tian bent his head down and licked Guan Shan's tears away before kissing the side of his face. Guan Shan realised his pheromones were letting He Tian know he was distraught and he supposed this was He Tian's way of comforting him. It made him feel a little better, if only by a bit. He Tian rested his head against Guan Shan's cheek and breathed heavily into Guan Shan's ear, causing him to shiver.

"I love you." He whispered.

Guan Shan gasped as he had an orgasm that shook his entire body. He started wide eyed at He Tian, who gave back an equally sexy grin, before he started thrusting again. Guan Shan then decided that he was going to tell He Tian about all his thoughts and feelings, about every time he had come over in a rut and about the three words had just come out of his mouth.

"Yeah," He sighed wistfully. "I love you too."


Apparently I have a fascination with the number 3 today.

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