An Angel's Demon - Part One

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One Day

"Well done, Master She."

The demon behind the desk nodded his head approvingly. She Li placed a black bag containing a vial on the table. Within the vial, a bright light was shining - bright enough to cause harm to, and even blind, the demons. That was why they kept them in a bag. Inside the vial was very powerful soul - that of an Angel's.

"This is my fifth Angel this year and I'm only just getting started." She Li's eyes flitted to the bag as the light dimmed momentarily then brightened in the bag once again. The Angel was stubbornly and desperately trying to release itself, but to no avail. It was done for.

"And that," the demon behind the desk carefully picked up the bag and placed it in a small wooden box, sealing it shut with a wave of his hands. The temperature dropped and She Li felt a shiver run up his spine, one that made his pupils dilate in excitement. "is why you are one the favourites around here. Are you ready to grab your next soul or will you finally take a break?" He grinned.

She Li stared at the wooden box and a grin slowly crawled across his face. "Tell me the location of the next one. I'll leave right away."

"That's the spirit." The demon patted the box then chuckled. "No pun intended."


She Li stepped into the shadows and felt the air change around him as he was instantly transported somewhere on Earth. The air felt a little too warm as he spotted the back of a figure nearby - a boy. The boy had a soft glow about him and She Li knew instantly that this was his Angel. Staying hidden in the shadows for a while longer, She Li took in the sight his new target.

His head was shaven, which was quite surprising as most Angel's preferred to keep a full head of healthy hair. He wore a soft white linen shirt and white trousers with a pair of white shoes - the usual attire for an Angel. She Li could see his white wings tucked in comfortably against his back, the tips just resting at the back of his knees.

She Li then turned to spot their surroundings. They were in a classroom with only a few students sat around in silence. She Li glanced at the clock and figured that since school had long since finished  then these few children were in detention. She Li smirked. This Angel's human had done something bad. This'll be easier than I thought.

Speaking of which, She Li turned to the human Cun Tou was staring at. He had ginger hair and the most profound glare She Li had ever seen being directed at the window. He was starting to like this human. He will do well in Hell.

Suddenly, Cun Tou's feathers ruffled slightly and his head turned sharply in She Li's direction. "Come out." His voice was so commanding, She Li almost felt the impulse to bow down but resisted with effort. He was impressed.

He slowly slid out of the darkness and smiled at his Angel. "Why, hello my dear sweetness. It's so nice to make you're acquaintance."

Cun Tou glanced him over in disgust. "A pest."

"You say that, dear Angel, but are you and I not the same?"

Cun Tou narrowed his eyes. "You and I are nothing alike, Creature of Darkness."

"Ah, but we both latch onto things, just as you latch onto your human." She Li nodded towards the ginger boy.

Cun Tou stood protectively in front of his human and his wings expanded slightly. His aura glowed brighter ever so slightly but it was enough to made She Li's eyes hurt and a headache form. He had picked a strong Angel and the challenge made his heart race with excitement and anticipation.

"Oh don't fret, my Angel, it's not your human I'm latching onto. It's you." She Li smiled seductively.

Recognition passed over the Angel's face. "I've heard there's a demon taking Angel's souls and damning their human's to Hell. Is that you?" Anger laced his voice as it grew with power. A small gust of wind passed through the classroom and the human shivered as he watched his papers glide to the floor.

"Yes, but it's not just me. There's a small collection of us that roam around but you have to be skilled at it. I suppose it's what humans would call a 'promotion'."

She Li came forward and sat on top of an empty desk. He hadn't yet come across an Angel's aura as strong as this one and the challenge filled him with excitement. He wanted to warp and shape this Angel's mind until Cun Tou was on his knees before him. The thought of the Angel worshipping him filled him with such desire, it dimmed the room slightly, adding to the human's confusion.

"So you're here to, what? Follow me around and trick me into giving you my soul? It's never going to happen." Cun Tou folded his arms.

"I'm here to show you the best time of your existence, my winged beauty. You can't get rid of me so let's make the most of it. And trick you? No. It's your human I'll be tricking - by him being in detention it seems he's already on the right track to Hell. I'm just here to do a little encouraging, that's all. He goes to hell and you become weak. Souls of an Angel are oh so easy to take when they're weak. You're spellbound to him - a contract with no way out other than the pearly gates or the fiery pits. And let me tell you something, sweetness, I'm pretty damn good at my job."

"I'll just ignore you." Cun Tou turned towards his human, stubbornly closing his eyes.

She Li chuckled and hopped off the desk, moving closer to Cun Tou. "So childish. That's fine but just so you know I'm the biggest attention seeker you'll ever meet and I don't like not getting my way. When I don't get what I want, who knows what'll happen." She Li stared at the ginger boy coldly.

He reached around the Angel and tapped the human lightly on his arm with an index finger. The boy yelped and jumped out of his seat as a shock ran through his body. He grabbed his arm and stared around the room in confusion. The teacher angrily told him to sit down.

In a flash, Cun Tou had She Li pinned against the wall by his throat. His wings expanded and glowed dangerously bright and he had a furious look on his face. "If you ever touch him again I'll-"

Before he could finish, She Li disappeared in a haze of smoke. "You'll what?" Cun Tou turned around to find She Li sat on the desk again as he smirked at the Angel. "You may be strong, Angel, but so am I. I've been around a long time and this isn't my first rodeo." 

"You bastard." Cun Tou breathed.

She Li smiled sweetly at him. "We're gonna have so much fun together."

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