Don't Leave Me Alone

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One Day

"Jian Yi?" Zhan Zheng Xi called out into the darkness as he reached the top of the hill. Jian Yi had sent him a text asking him to meet at the place where Zheng Xi had surprised him for his birthday. He stopped when he saw the blonde boy lounging lazily on the edge of the cliff. "What are you doing?"

Jian Yi turned his head and grinned. "Living on the edge. Come join me." He patted the earth next to him. Zheng Xi stared at the shining stars in the sky before he moved to sit next to his best friend. For a while the pair did nothing but sit and watch the stars. It was only when Jian Yi broke the silence that the peace in Zheng Xi's mind was gone.

"I'm leaving."

He turned to look at Jian Yi, who hadn't turned away from the night sky before them. "What do you mean 'leaving'?"

"I mean moving away. Mum doesn't think it's safe here so she's moving us to Japan."

Zheng Xi frowned, a sudden pang in his chest. "No. I mean you can't just leave. What about school and college and..." he stopped, not being able to say 'me'.

Jian Yi looked at him, a sadness in his eyes but a smile on his face. "I'll go to a school there."

"You can barely speak Mandarin* let alone Japanese. You can't go."

Jian Yi breathed heavily and stood up, brushing himself down. "Sorry Xixi but it's already been decided. We leave in a few days. I came to say goodbye." He turned around and started walking away.

Desperation clawed at Zheng Xi's heart and he stood up. "What about me? What about us?"

Jian Yi stopped and turned to his best friend. His face was serious, which was a rare sight to see, his eyes studied Zheng Xi for a long time before he spoke quietly. "What about us? You'll find a new best friend. You won't be lonely - you have He Tian and Redhead. You don't need me."

Zheng Xi clenched his jaw and curled his hands into fists in frustration. "You're such a big idiot. Of course I need you. I always need you; and you need me too, Jian Yi."

Silence stood between them, only the sound of the wildlife could be heard for miles around. The two stared at each other, one daring the other to move or speak first. It was Jian Yi who gave in first as he blinked a few times and stared at the ground before whispering, "I'm sorry." and turning to walk away.

"Jian Yi, don't you dare leave me. There's no one else but you. There never has been and there never will be. I..." He trailed off.

Suddenly Jian whipped around and marched towards Zheng Xi until they stood inches apart. "What is it? Tell me or I'll leave right now and never come back."

Zheng Xi flinched when Jian Yi put his hand on his cheek. His heart was pounding in his chest. One way or another everything was about to change. He would either lose his best friend forever or... Relying on his instinct, Zheng Xi reached forward and grabbed Jian Yi's face with both his hands and pulled him into a kiss. Jian kissed him back with such force Zheng Xi thought he felt his lips swell slightly. Emotions and unspoken words sparked around them and at that moment in time, the two become one.

They pulled apart, breathing heavily. "I like you Jian Yi. I really fucking like you, so don't you dare leave me alone."

Slowly, Jian Yi nodded. "I'll tell mum I don't want to go and she can leave without me if she wants. I won't leave you, Xixi. Never ever, because I like you too."


I decided to write this for venecia0 who wanted more Jian Yi x Zhan Zheng Xi stories. I hope you enjoyed.

Mandarin is the language that is spoken in China.

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