An Unexpected Saviour

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Warning: 18+ scenes. You've been warned <3

One Day

"Brother Mo! You haven't heard?"

Mo Guan Shan took a swig of his beer and turned to look at Cun Tou. "Heard what? What shit are you on about now?"

"We can't go to that club, it's where the vampires hang out. They're dangerously territorial."

Guan Shan bent down and put his shoes on, the four other boys with him doing the same. "Who cares? It's early enough for us to get there first. It's our turn to be there. Fuck the vampires."

When they reached the club, it was already in full swing. It was packed and the smell of sweat and pheromones were flying around the place. Thankfully I remembered to take my suppressants* today. The boys made their way to the bar and got their drinks. Guan Shan looked around and he could feel the pheromones of different species trying to affect him. He glanced at his friends enviously, whom were all Betas.

"Why hello there, pretty little Omega. It's nice to see some of my own species in here." Guan Shan turned to see a tall wolf stood beside him. His white hair fell in front of his yellow eyes as he looked the ginger boy up and down. "Why are you here with Betas and not an Alpha?"

Guan Shan stared at his drink with a frown before taking a sip and closing his eyes. "Don't have one, don't need one, don't want one." He said stubbornly.

"Are you sure you don't want one? I can smell your pheromones seeping through, though quite weakly. Did you take any suppressants by any chance? My name is She Li, by the way. What's yours?" The stranger chuckled.

Guan Shan felt a wave of pheromones hit him like a brick wall and it almost knocked him off his feet. He cringed visibly and felt annoyance take over. He grabbed the stranger by his shirt. "Fuck off. I hate Alphas. All they do is think they can take and use Omegas anytime they want." Guan Shan shoved him away and grumbled into his beer.

Suddenly, Cun Tou grabbed Guan Shan's arm and shook it. Over the music he shouted, "See! I told you, Brother Mo! They're here."

Guan Shan frowned at him and took a sip of his beer. "Who?"

Cun Tou stared at him with wide eyes. "The vampires!"

Guan Shan turned and his eyes landed directly onto a small group of vampires walking their way. They were easy to spot - clear, pale skin, red eyes that glowed in the darkness and fangs that protruded just past their lower lip.

The vampire at the front of the group had been staring at Guan Shan and didn't taken his eyes off him until he was right in front of him. He then glanced at Guan Shan's friends and the stranger beside him. "Why are there wolves in my club?" He called out, his deep voice carried over the music.

"What's it to you, Vampire? We were here first so get lost." Guan Shan leaned back against the bar in a cool manner, grabbed his beer from the bar and took a swig.

One of the vampires behind their leader stepped forward. "You're never here, Wolves, this is our territory."

The leader put his hand up to stop the other and smirked. "It's fine. He's adorable and stubborn so he can stay. The others, however," His red eyes flitted over the white haired Alpha, "have to leave. Go back to your own club."

Cun Tou put his hand on Guan Shan's arm again. "We're not leaving him here." Then he visibly cowered under the vampire's gaze.

The two groups remained silent before the vampire spoke again. "Fine, you can stay."

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