A Haunted House

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"Uh, He Tian?" Jian Yi called as they walked up the pathway that lead to a large abandoned house, leaves crunching beneath their feet. "I don't think this is such a good idea."

Jian Yi tugged on Zhan Zheng Xi's sleeve, who was walking in front warily watching the wooded area that surrounded them. He Tian turned around with a grin on his face. Mo Guan Shan, who had been right behind him, stopped and flinched at the sudden movement. It seemed that all the boys, except He Tian, felt unease at being at the dark house.

"Don't be chicken shits. We're not in a horror movie. There's not gonna be some freaky monster chasing us through the halls." He Tian raised his arms and wiggled his fingers. Jian Yi gulped and took a small step backwards. "Besides," He Tian continued as he swung his arm around Guan Shan's neck. "if a monster does decide to come, I'll protect you, Little Mo."

"I don't need your shitty protection. I'm man enough to look after myself." Guan Shan pushed He Tian's arm off and marched forward.

Jian Yi tugged on Zheng Xi's sleeve again, causing the latter to turn around. Jian Yi looked at him with big, round eyes and pouted slightly. "You'll protect me won't you, Xixi?"

Zheng Xi watched him for a second before ruffling Jian Yi's hair and turning around. "Come on."

Guan Shan's stubborn bravery slipped away from him as he approached the door. Most the windows had been boarded up and the front door had no window they could see through.

Guan Shan shivered from his head to his feet when He Tian whispered in his ear. "Aren't you gonna open the door, little boy?"

"You fucking open it if you're so impatient." Guan Shan swallowed. "Besides, it's abandoned. The door might not even be unlocked.

He Tian reached around Guan Shan and tried the handle. It creaked and resisted at first but the door slowly pushed open. The four boys stood and watched the open doorway for a few seconds before He Tian threw his arm around Guan Shan's shoulder again and marched the hesitant redhead into the house.

Before the other two followed, Zheng Xi turned to Jian Yi and spoke to him quietly. "We don't have to go in if you don't feel comfortable. We can go home if you want. But know that He Tian will never let us live this down if we don't."

Jian Yi glanced at the house before a determined look crossed his face. "No, we should go in. It's just a house, right?" He asked, unsure.

Zheng Xi breathed out heavily through his nose and nodded once. "Sure," he said as he turned around and walked through the door, Jian Yi keeping a tight grip on his sleeve. "it's just a house."

Through the doorway was a long, narrow hallway. Halfway down the hallway was a door to the left and at the end was another door. Both were closed. Immediately to their right was a staircase that lead up

He Tian pointed to the door on the left. "Let's go check out that room."

Not having much room for two at a time, He Tian removed his arm from Guan Shan and took the lead. He tried the door and it opened with ease. The four boys walked in cautiously and looked around a kitchen and dining room. The kitchen was missing all utensils and cooking equipment and the floor had a few bags of rubbish and old clothes around, making the room smell. The attached dining room had a long table to fit ten people around that was covered in graffiti, dirt and what appeared to be a few blood stains. Only three chairs remained but one had a leg missing and was knocked over.

"Who do you think lived here?" Guan Shan looked at He Tian.

He Tian shrugged. "How am I supposed to know?"

Guan Shan scowled at him. "Your the one that suggested we come here!"

"That's because I overheard one of the girls talking about their brother coming here with his friends. She said that he told her that as they walked through the house, they heard old creaking noises and weird voices and then an old man with a hole in his chest and a shotgun came and chased them out. Thought it sounded cool so I wanted to check it out."

The other three boys looked at him dumbfounded. "Have you gone insane?" Guan Shan asked him before turning to the other two. "Has he gone insane?"

Zheng Xi shook his head as he tried to shake off Jian Yi, who was now clinging to his back. "Bold of you to presume he was ever sane. Look, I know we just got here but we should probably leave. We're trespassing."

He Tian grinned at Zheng Xi. "Pussy."

Zheng Xi glared at He Tian and was about to say something when they heard something fall over in the room next to them. They all stood still and silent as they listened. Faint creaking noises could be heard from different directions and Jian Yi seemed to be panicking by the second.

"Let's go. Like, right now!" He whispered, his wide eyes darting left and right.

He Tian huffed, annoyed. "This is bullshit." He marched out of the room with the others in pursuit, and was about to open the door at the end of the hallway when the creaking came to a stop. Loud, heavy footsteps and something scraping across the floor filled their ears and the four boys turned around and ran out of the house as fast as they could, not once turning back towards the house.

The door at the end of the hallway opened and She Li watched the retreating forms of the boys and he raised an eyebrow. He raised the metal bat he was carrying and rested it against his shoulder.

"What is it, She Li?" One of the boys huddled around a table playing poker called. "We heard voices."

"Nothing," She Li replied, "just a couple of rats making their escape."

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