A Ghost From The Past

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One Day

"There's only one thing I need from you right now, Guan Shan." He Tian had a desperate look in his eye as he rubbed his thumb over Mo Guan Shan's cheek bone, their faces inches apart. "I'm begging you - don't refuse me this one wish."

Guan Shan swallowed heavily, his heart racing in his chest. "What is it?"

"Kiss me." He whispered.

Guan Shan hesitated before he placed his lips against He Tian's. As soon as they made contact, He Tian smashed their lips together in a desperate manner. Like he was trying to savour every moment. Like this was goodbye. But it wasn't.

Was it?


Guan Shan woke with a start. It was the first time in a long time he had dreamt of his last meeting with He Tian. It had been five years since he had even heard his voice, let alone seen him. After their shared kiss, He Tian had kissed him on the forehead and left Guan Shan's apartment. After that, there was nothing. Not a text or call, no letter or a real life goodbye.

Guan Shan had been to his apartment, which was empty, and had spoken to both Jian Yi and Zhan Zheng Xi who were just as confused as he was. They had asked He Cheng and Brother Qiu but they had been less helpful, not uttering a word to them about his whereabouts. That's the only way they knew he was alive - not speaking meant he wasn't dead. He Tian had dropped off the face of the earth.

For the first year, Guan Shan had been mad that he had picked up and left. He was determined to give He Tian a piece of his mind when he returned. For the second year, his anger turned to sorrow and he questioned why He Tian decided to leave at the moment Guan Shan had realised he was in love with him.

For the third year, Guan Shan was stubborn about He Tian returning, watching the door every day and hoping He Tian would walk in and kiss him again. For the fourth year, the hope turned to despair and he had realised he was hoping for nothing, deciding it was best for him to let go. But it was harder than it seemed and he struggled. He wasn't sure he could have survived if Jian Yi and Zheng Xi weren't there to keep an eye on him.

Today was the fifth year and Guan Shan's wounds were slowly healing. He was slowly forgetting the boy that had broken his heart with his sudden departure and was reminded of these feelings only when he dreamt about him.

He rolled over in bed with a groan, remembering that he had invited Jian Yi and Zheng Xi over to celebrate their one year anniversary of being a couple. He wasn't entirely sure why he had done that considering how alone and miserable he felt whenever he watched them be all lovey together.

He spend the morning tidying the house and making snacks for everyone then grabbed a shower before his guests arrived. The first to come was his mother. She loved visiting him on the weekend when he wasn't working and always brought the ingredients to make a cake with him, cooking being one of their shared hobbies. This time, she came with a grin and a bottle of wine.

Jian Yi and Zheng Xi showed up next. Jian Yi almost tackled Guan Shan to the ground and Zheng Xi patted him on the back, both thanking him for throwing a party for them. Guan Shan growled at them not to touch him and to keep an eye on his mother whilst he checked on the food still cooking.

As the day went on, more guests arrived and day turned to evening. A few people left, including his mother, and by the time night rolled around, it was only Guan Shan, Jian Yi and Zheng Xi left. Zheng Xi watched the redhead as he cleared up some of the mess in the living room.

"You dreamt about him again, didn't you?"

Both Jian Yi and Guan Shan stopped to look at him before Jian Yi turned to stare at Guan Shan too.

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