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This amazing art work does not belong to me!! All credit is due to the artist. If you know who they are let me know so I can dedicate it to them! Thanks :)


One Day

He Tian slouched back into his leather chair as he hung up on the phone. This again? Really? He rubbed his eyes as a headache started to form. This is the third time this month. He Tian sighed before calling out, "Shuchun*."

He Tian heard nothing but silence at first and he knew Shuchun was grumbling under her breath. Then he heard the sound of someone walking across the hallway towards his office. Suddenly, a black haired, 9 year old girl poked her head through the door with a sweet smile on her face. "Yes, daddy?"

Raising an eyebrow at the faux innocent smile she was giving him, He Tian held his hand out to her. "Come here, please."

She hesitated for a split second before walking over to him. He leaned forward, picked the small girl up, and placed her on his lap. Although He Tian and his husband He Guan Shan had only adopted her and her biological younger brother three years previous, Shuchun had picked up both of their mannerisms and attitudes as well as learned ways to get what she wanted out of the both of them. She was sly and manipulative like He Tian but could also have a raging temper like Guan Shan - which was why she was now in her father's office.

"I've just gotten off of the phone with your teacher at school. Again. Care to explain before I dish out another punishment?"

She huffed and pouted. "It wasn't my fault, daddy, I swear! It was Yan's* fault because he's a big meanie. "

"And it wasn't your fault the other two times your teacher called this month to tell us that you hit another student, too? Look, Shuchun, you can't keep doing this. The teacher will have to call your father and I into the school if this carries on. Why do you hit them? Is it because you're not settled in still? You've lived with us for over three years now and you know your father and I love you and your brother very much."

Her pout grew bigger and she looked at He Tian with large eyes. "I love both my daddies and little brother lots and lots. Yan is just a big meanie. He said it's not normal to have two daddies and I should have one mummy and one daddy and called me weird so I got angry at him. I'm sorry, daddy. Don't be mad."

He Tian looked at her in a mix of emotions - surprise, shock, anger and pride. Suddenly, the annoyance he felt at her being in trouble melted away and pride took over at the thought of his daughter sticking up for herself and her two dads'. He smiled lovingly at her. "Don't worry, I'm not mad I promise. I'm actually kind of happy. You should always stick up for your family and your beliefs. However, you should never use violence to solve your issues. Trust me, I learnt the hard way."

Shuchun looked up and sniffed, her watery eyes getting even larger. "You promise you're not mad?"

He Tian chuckled. "I promise. But, I can't promise that your father isn't going to be."

As if on cue, the front door slammed shut, and He Tian heard his husband's footsteps marching across the floor and up the stairs. "Where is she? Where's that little sh-" Guan Shan stopped himself as he opened He Tian's office door, a frown on his face and their four year old Yang* attached to his hip.

"Shuchun, why the fu- hell did I just get a text to ring your teacher? What the hell happened this time?" Guan Shan yelled, gently putting their son down.

Shuchun frowned and folded her arms. "Don't shout at me, daddy, you big meanie! I'm not telling you!" She stuck her tongue out at him as He Tian grinned whilst watching the scene before him.

Guan Shan's eye twitched as he turned toward his husband. "Tian, what the f-"

"Language, Guan Shan." He looked at his daughter. "Shuchun, tell your father what happened or you can spend the day cleaning the coat cupboard."

She turned and looked at her father with a look of betrayal before turning to her other father. "A boy at school called me weird because I have two daddies and not one mummy and one daddy so I hit him." She pouted again.

This time, it was Guan Shan's jaw that clenched and twitched. "What?!" He burst out. "What little shit said that?! I'll go beat up his father and we'll see how he likes it with no dad, the little prick!" He looked at his daughter and sighed as he walked over and bent down so he was eye level with her. "Sorry for swearing, Shuchun. I'm glad you stuck up for yourself but you shouldn't hit people. It's not nice. If someone's being mean you should tell the teacher and I'm sure everything will work out just fine." He rubbed her hair and stood up, picking Yang up in the process.

Shuchun widened her eyes and pointed at He Tian. "Daddy said he was happy I hit him."

He Tian looked at her in shock. Traitor. He then looked at an annoyed Guan Shan. He gave him his award winning smile and hoped that it would calm him down - not that it ever had before."

Guan Shan's eye seemed to have a life of it's own as it started twitching again. "Shuchun, take Yang and go play in your room. I'm gonna do beef stew for dinner tonight so be a good girl until then. This discussion isn't over."

Shuchun climbed off her father's lap and Guan Shan put Yang on the floor once more. She looked back at He Tian and grinned. "He's mad. Good luck, daddy." She whispered before shutting the door.

As soon as the door closed, Guan Shan smacked He Tian around the side of the head. "Idiot, what was you thinking telling her you were happy about her hitting other kids? How is she gonna know any better?"

He Tian shook his head. "You were just as bad, Guan Shan. You told her you were going to beat that child's father up, which in my books, is worse that what I said."

Guan Shan opened his mouth to respond but couldn't seem to argue with what his husband said. In the end, he went with, "Shut up, chicken dick."

He Tian chuckled before grabbing Guan Shan's wrist and pulling him into his lap. "She said she was happy. You know, here with us and everything."

Guan Shan curled his lips up as his eyes glazed over, remembering the past three years with his husband and beautiful children. "Yeah, I'm happy too."

They leaned in for a soft kiss. A smile on He Tian's lips. "Me too."


Shuchun - pure beauty.

Yan - swallow (a type of bird).

Yang - the sun.

This is for SheolaBeepat who asked for the boys during parenthood. I hope you enjoyed!!

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