Assassination Attempt - Part Two

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"You fucker, take your hands off of me. You know I can kill you in less than a second right?"

The once assassin was stood in the large kitchen of the palace, trying to make the young, stubborn Prince a sandwich. He Tian had complained over and over again that he was hungry, even though they had just eaten dinner, until Mo Guan Shan had given in and stomped off to make him something simple to eat. He Tian had decided he hadn't bullied Guan Shan enough and followed him.

The servants that were cleaning up from dinner were uncomfortably avoiding looking at the pair. They knew of Guan Shan's previous profession and the Prince was known to sometimes have quite the temper so they said nothing and proceeded to clean faster in order to leave the pair alone.

He Tian pressed himself closer to the annoyed ginger. His hands slid down from the others' elbows to his wrists and wrapped his slender fingers around them. "You could, but you won't. Your mother is still in my care and I own you now. You've been in my possession for over a month now and you've had many opportunities to and yet, here I am."

Guan Shan clenched his jaw and said nothing. The knife in his hand was squeezed tighter as he was forced to stay still. He Tian drew himself closer and Guan Shan felt his breath tickle the back of his neck, causing a shiver to run down his spine.

Guan Shan had been with the Prince for over a month and every day a nagging feeling inside of him grew. He wasn't sure if it was his relationship with the prince - they had spent every second together, even during the night, so Guan Shan could protect and watch over him - or if it was something else entirely. Whatever it was, he wasn't sure how he felt about it all.

Shaking He Tian off, Guan Shan shot him a glare and continued to make him a sandwich. They made their way back to He Tian's chambers, which had become Guan Shan's chambers too, and He Tian made himself comfortable on his large bed, his food being consumed at an unreasonably fast pace. Guan Shan had made his way over to his usual spot on the Luohan bed* He Tian had installed just for him. It was full of silk cushions, however Guan Shan never used it as a bed, but instead a chair. He sat with his arms and legs crossed as he closed his eyes.

He Tian watched him with searching eyes as he always did whenever the young boy wasn't looking. Once he finished eating, he rubbed his hand on the bed, as he did every night, and patted it gently. "You can join me if you want." He asked that same question every night and always got the same response.

"Fuck off."

He Tian breathed out a laugh then spread himself out on the bed, sliding under the silk covers. "Alright. Well, goodnight then, Little Mo." Guan Shan grunted in response and He Tian blew out the lantern that sat on his bedside table.

When morning came, Guan Shan opened his eyes to find the sun was just rising. His body had been trained to live on only four hours of sleep at night, even less if he had to. It was mainly the nightmares of his previous profession that woke him up. He always slept after He Tian had fallen asleep and woke up hours before him. His nagging feeling turned to uneasiness as he watched the young prince's peaceful face. He had a bad feeling about something but he wasn't sure what.

He stood and walked over to the sleeping boy. He just wanted to make sure he was actually sleeping and hadn't choked on his own tongue or something and died. When he saw the steady rise and fall of the Princes' chest, his worry eased a little. Without even thinking, the redhead's hand came down and he brushed the black hair away from He Tian's forehead.

When he realised what he was doing, he was startled. Before he could pull his hand away, a hand reached up and pulled him onto the bed. He Tian rolled them around until he sat atop the other's thighs and held both hands above his head with one of his own.

"Well, this feels familiar." He Tian purred, sleep still laced in his voice.

"You bastard, what are you doing?!" Guan Shan cried out.

"I could ask you the same thing. What were you doing hovering over my sleeping form? Touching my hair? If you were waiting for an invitation to join me in bed, there's no need to wait. You're always welcome in my arms." He grinned lazily.

Guan Shan blushed, being caught and that grin was going to cause his head to explode from his chest. "I-I was checking to make sure you were still breathing. I cannot receive payment if you are no longer alive." He avoided eye contact.

He Tian stared at him for a few seconds before speaking softly. "Is that so?" He let go of the other's hands but remained sitting on his thighs. He lowered his body until his head lay in the crook of Guan Shan's neck and his legs spread out until he was fully laying on top of the other.

"What the bird balls are you doing?!" Guan Shan asked as he attempted to push He Tian's shoulders.

"The best way to see if I'm still breathing is to feel it. So remain still and let us sleep like this. You're warm." Within seconds, He Tian's breathing had evened out and Guan Shan sighed heavily. He felt his own eyes slowly closing, the uneasiness he had been feeling a few minutes earlier dissipating.


After a few hours, Guan Shan woke with a start after a nightmare and He Tian stirred on top of him. He hadn't meant to fall asleep. He Tian raised himself slightly and the two boys stared at each other. He Tian reached a hand up. Guan Shan flinched as a tear was wiped from his face.

"Why do you cry?" He Tian asked softly, his eyes searching.

Guan Shan closed his eyes as He Tian rubbed his thumb across Guan Shan's cheek. "A nightmare." He whispered.

"And who was it that you killed this time?" He Tian knew all about Guan Shan's nightmares, had forced him to talk about it. His nightmares were all the same - he was killing his victims. It was usually a different person each time he dreamt but just recently, it was one person in particular.

"You." Guan Shan covered his eyes as more tears sprang to them.

He Tian moved his hands away and pressed his forehead against Guan Shan's. To He Tian's surprise, Guan Shan wrapped his arms around the other's neck and squeezed tight. "It's alright, Guan Shan. I'm here and alive. I won't let you kill again and that's a promise."

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because," He Tian placed a gentle kiss on Guan Shan's forehead, his arms wrapping around his body. "I loved you right from the second I saw you. Because you're mine and nobody can take you away from me. Because you have a choice and I'll never let anyone take that away from you again."

Guan Shan let out a sob and he held on tighter. "Thank you, He Tian."

He Tian smiled softly. "I've got you. Always and forever."


Luohan Bed -

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