Lonely Together

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One Day

He Tian gazed out of his window into the night sky.  A cigarette hung loosely out of his mouth that he had barely taken a drag of since lighting it. His heart was hurting and he wasn't really sure on what to do with himself, so he spent most of his time staring out of his floor-to-ceiling windows at nothing in particular.

It had been three months since Mo Guan Shan had gone away to university and left him behind to pick up his brother's work. He had no choice but to stay behind and keep an eye on Jian Yi, who needed protecting from anyone that was related to his father's work. Jian Yi still needed to finish school, since he had missed out on three years worth of education. He Tian hadn't wanted to get Guan Shan involved in any of it, so he sent him away and out of his life.

For good? He wasn't sure.

He glanced at his phone that sat on the edge on his bed. Jian Yi popped into his head. He felt the need to message him and make sure he was okay. Zhan Zheng Xi had been at university for a little while and Jian Yi hadn't been coping very well. He Tian did all he could to fill the void but it seemed that no matter what he did, it wasn't enough.

A knock on his door shook He Tian out of his thoughts and he stubbed his cigarette out before opening the door. Shocked, he found a grinning Jian Yi with a backpack at his door.

"What are you doing here?" He Tian moved aside and Jian Yi walked in and took his shoes off.

"Uh, I wanted to see how you were doing." Jian Yi grinned at He Tian as he threw his backpack across the floor. He Tian raised his eyebrow and folded his arms, sceptical. He stared at Jian Yi until his grin faltered and he rubbed his arm self-consciously. "I was lonely. Mum's gone again and I have no one." Jian Yi sighed and flopped onto He Tian's bed, resting on hand on his stomach and the other behind his head.

He Tian joined him on the bed and the two laid in comfortable silence until He Tian remembered the backpack. "I'm guessing that you're staying here?"

Jian Yi sighed again but this time it seemed free of burden. "Yep. Thought we could have a boys night. We could play computer games, order pizza and..." Jian looked at He Tian and frowned. "What do boys do?"

He Tian laughed loudly and shook his head. "I have no idea."

Suddenly, all the tension He Tian had carried with him the past three months seemed to disappear, along with his heartache. Thinking back, he noticed it happened every time he was with Jian Yi. Looking at the blonde boy next to him babble on about different games they could play, He Tian felt a strange feeling overcome him. Without thinking, he reached out and grabbed Jian Yi's and and held it there.

Jian Yi stopped talking and stared at their intertwined hands for a full minute before a blush covered his cheeks. "What are you doing, pervert?"

"Shh," He Tian closed his eyes. "I'm thinking about pizza toppings." He Tian felt that Jian Yi was going to burn a hole in his head with how hard he was staring at him. He opened one eye and glanced at the dumbfounded-looking boy. He released a heavy breath and raised himself until he rested on one elbow facing Jian Yi, making sure their hands remained together.

He licked his lips, suddenly nervous. "Jian Yi, when you look at me what do you see?"

"Demon." Jian Yi whispered. He shook his head and stared wide-eyed. "Uh, I mean, you're... you. You're He Tian."

He Tian shook his head, "No, I mean on a deeper level. Am I just a friend to you, or something more?" He slowed to a stop, not quite sure he was phrasing the question the right way.

Jian Yi blinked a few times before he raised himself on his elbow so they were matching. "Well, you're definitely a friend, He Tian. But beyond that, I don't know what you want me to say. I have Xixi."

"Yes, I know and I'm not trying to shut him out. I understand where you're coming from. Little Mo means more to me than he realises but at this moment in time, Jian Yi, neither of them are here and we won't see either of them for a long time."

Jian Yi shook his head, confusion taking over his expression. "What are you trying to say?"

"I know you're lonely all the time, otherwise you wouldn't be here right now. But so am I. I'm so fucking lonely I don't know what to do with myself. But when I'm with you, that feeling goes away. What I'm trying to say, Jian Yi, is that we can be lonely together."

He Tian raised his hand and placed it against Jian Yi's cheek. As if by instinct or craving, Jian Yi leaned into his hand and closed his eyes. Jian Yi couldn't deny the crushing loneliness he felt in Zheng Xi's absence. He also couldn't deny that being with He Tian made him feel better, even if only a little. This attention that He Tian was giving him was like an addiction he need a fix for. And if He Tian was going to provide that fix, then who was he to say no?

"So?" He Tian whispered, and Jian Yi realised he had moved a lot closer. "What do you say?" Jian Yi slowly opened his eyes and pushed forward until their lips connected. They stayed in their warm embrace for a long time until He Tian broke away and placed his forehead against Jian Yi's. A grin slowly spread across his face.

"So, what toppings do you want on your pizza?"


This was requested by iamtoosadforthis who wanted He Tian x Jian Yi. I haven't done this one yet so it was really fun to write! I hope you enjoyed it!

By the way, what's your favourite pizza toppings?

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