The tangled curl problem (Spamano)

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Hellooo I'm back with another smut fanfic and this time it is Spamano!!! I don't have much to say except enjoy this chapter!

Romano's POV

I've been staying with Spain for a couple of weeks while my brother stayed at Germany's place. To simply explain it there was a rat infestation in our house and since the Black Plague naturally Italy and I were terrified and immediately called rodent control. They said it will take about a few months to get all the mice out and make sure they won't return or that there aren't any left.

Anyway so we had a meeting today and it was held in Spain. Spain and I were getting ready as I realize my curl was very tangled, like very visibly tangled. This is a big problem. No, more like a huge problem. And Spain is here too! Try to act as normal as possible Romano.

I dragged the comb through my soft hair as I finally tried to untangle my curl with the comb as well as my hands sometimes. I let out shaky breath and quiet moans and groans of pleasure. Luckily Spain was too tired, since he just woke up, that he didn't notice my hard on through my saggy pajama pants. I finally let out a loud groan and obviously Spain noticed this.

"What's wrong Roma? Does boss need to help you?" He asks concerned after getting done with brushing his teeth. "No you bastardo! I'm fine," I quietly stated as I helplessly continued as it showed no use. It surprised me when Antonio suddenly cut off my curl with a small scissor. I stared at the mirror in surprise as I see the piece of hair fall to the ground.

"What the hell did you do bastardo!!!" I screamed at him still surprised. "Lo siento Roma, but I can't stand see mi pequeño tomate hurting himself," he apologized then admitted. I blushed and grunted. "It's alright bastard let's just get to the meeting," I sighed as we continued to get dressed.

We finally got to the meeting as Feliciano immediately noticed my missing curl. I explained to him what happened as he giggled making me pout. "Fratello does big brother Spain know what happens when the curl starts growing again?" He asked now serious. "He has no idea. He doesn't even know that the curl is an erogenous zone. And let's keep it that way, shall we?" I told him as he pretended to zip his mouth shut and throw the key away. "Promise. But that could help your cru-" he started but I cut him off. "Shh the meeting is starting," I shushed him. "It is 30 minutes before it begins..." He corrected. "Shhh bastard..."

This missing curl is going to stir up problems in the next few weeks...

Time skip brought to you by Italy's innocence~~~

Romano's POV

It has been almost a month after Spain cut off my curl and I'm still staying at his place. As the curl keeps growing I become more and more horny with each passing minute. I just woke up from yet another wet dream as I see my member was still erected. I tried masturbation before, but it only helps for so long. I contemplated my choices as I slowly made my way to Spain's bedroom. I can't believe I'm actually going to ask my secret crush for sex. He will hate me so much after this, but I can't relieve myself in any other way...

I slowly enter the room as I see Spain sleeping while letting out tiny snores. I shiver lightly as I tightened the night gown around me, though I doubt I shivered from the cold air. I carefully made my way to my bed and lightly shake him awake. After a few shakes he finally wakes up and realizes it was me who awoke him. "What's wrong Roma? Another nightmare?" He asked as I was suddenly tongue tied. I didn't know how to ask for sex, so I simply kissed him.

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