Don't go easy on me (2p! China x Uke! Male! Reader)

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Helloooooo💕 You guys surprisingly liked the last one so thank you really for the support on that one! We are immediately jumping into the next chapter then! This was suggested by BestIrishTwat so I hope you enjoy!🌸

⚠️ Scratching kink, Gore (not as bad as the last chapter), short and quite crappy⚠️

Y/N's POV (You are again a country/city/ province/ state and so on. But in this one you are a 2p of that)

"Is that all you got princess?" China teased as I growled jumping back up from where I was lying down on the mattress. China decided to teach me self defense for in case I get in trouble by the other, might I add scarier nations. "Shut up and what did I tell you about calling me princess," I dodged his attack kicking his calves wanting to trip him. He was, despite his slim and small figure, very strong so he didn't fall over easily. Though he was surprised by the not so subtle attack so he stumbled forward.

(A/N Just so you know I don't take self defense classes, I probably should though. All this is from what my dad taught me from when he took karate, which is not a lot)

"That you love princess as a nickname and you think it fits you exactly," he incorrectly quoted as he tried to trip me. When he succeeded he caught me twirling me for a bit before letting me stand again. I was a bit dizzy from the spinning and was holding my hand stumbling softly. He waited for me to snap out of it. I soon did and glared at him. The so called 'fight' continued with the two of us teasing each other (him more than me)

"I'm not even a girl!"

"Still a cute nickname," he blew a kiss as I felt my knees get weak but I ignored the feeling continuing to fight him.

"I told you not to call me that!"

"Can I call you fierce dragon?" He asked as I looked at him confused.

"Fierce dragon?" I asked confused tilting my head, we went to get the equipment we needed for the next training exercise.

"Yeah you are fierce and I love dragons. It's a nice fit for you I have to say," he flirted as I blushed softly staring at him with my mouth agape.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" He asked as he dodged my halfhearted attack. I pouted at not being able to get a blow on him. It's not like I want to hurt him! It's just I want to prove I'm not a wimp or some weakling who can't defend themselves against a nation who is 4000 years old. I roll my eyes at his words.

"So you're going to call me dragon...As a term of endearment...?" I ask confused as he chuckled nodding. "Of course. In my opinion it's probably the best term of endearment," he encouraged as I sighed and smiled. Now we are trying plat forming. We were each on this surprisingly sturdy and strong plank. He placed a box on each end of the plank to keep it a bit off the ground (not that much. Like if I fall I might just have minor bruises). Under the plank he placed on of those gymnastics mattresses under us to break our fall if it gets to that point.

"Heh I guess you're right with that, it's better than princess," I mumbled getting onto the plank, swaying all over the place as I try to gain my balance. God I'm not going to last long if it's like this. I look up expecting to see some kind of encouragement from China's side but there he was... Standing on the plank that is seemingly spinning beneath my feet...with only one leg....with his eyes closed. "Show-off," I muttered finally regaining some of my posture.

He only chuckled in response to that now helping me balance myself. I sigh as we were soon both ready for the fight. I was still shaking a bit and was trying my best to not look down. "Well bring it on my dragon," he encouraged and teased me as I growl rolling my eyes. He chuckled noticing how annoyed I was, but honestly I liked it. I knew how much he admires dragons because they are a symbol of wisdom but also fierce when needed. Honestly if that's the case I see him more as a dragon, but he does seem to like it when I tell him about my cultural stories and folktales and legends and so on.

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