A spell gone wrong (Robul)

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Hellooooo💕 School got cancelled again so updates might come faster but I can't assure you of that. The comic strip above doesn't belong to me but I wanted to write a fanfic dedicated to that for so long! If someone can send me the link of the whole comic strip then it will be appreciated since I've only seen the comic piece you see there. This is more or less inspired by that. But anyway this was suggested by DigitalRosse and tinyvanilla so I hope you two and everyone else enjoys this chapter!💕

⚠️Food kink, cockrings and various other sex toys, Neko! Bulgaria and Country! Romania, magic and kinda cliché, safe word MENTIONED, Characters are OOC because I've never read/written Robul a lot⚠️

Romania's POV

"I don't know how to confess my love for Bulgaria!" I whine loudly to my two best friends Norway and England. "Don't you to literally live together already though?" England pointed out as I pouted. "Only during vacations or meetings but even then it's just to save money!" I pout resting my head on the DnD set we're using. "I've caught you cuddling once," Norway pointed out this time as I whine so wanting to be in that moment now. "Yeah...but it was so cold and it was snowing in Russia! He didn't want me to die from hypothermia," I try to argue not believing he likes me. "Romania...we are countries...we can't die..." England stated as a matter of factly.

I sighed as I play with my wooden wand, shaped to look like a wand from the Harry Potter series. I balanced it on my finger till Norway said something that made me get an idea, "What if you use magic on him? Make him tell the truth for a whole day or something." If I was in a cartoon right now there would be a light bulb lighting up on top of my head. I jumped up slamming my hands on the table. "You're a fucking genius!" I shouted startling both of them making Norway drop a potion and England, a book.

Time skip brought to you by me thinking of that one vine where Romania says to Bulgaria 'Skedaddle, skidoodle your dick is now a noodle!' 

Still Romania's POV

I mix the potion Norway helped me make, into Bulgaria's coffee. We were once again sharing an apartment but I didn't mind. I get cold easily and Bulgaria lets me cuddle into him or use his hoodies to warm up. It's so nice and a lot of people mistake us for a couple but we keep denying it (I wish their accusations were true...). I set his coffee on the coffee table as he watched a show though I didn't catch the name of the show or the characters. All I know is it's about a weird symbol on some blondie's tongue who has a rivalry with a blue haired fellow who has a purple symbol on his eye. I would normally question it but at the moment I was too eager to see what happens.

Just as he presses the rim of the cup gently on his chapped, but soft looking lips the door bell ring. "I'll go get it," Bulgaria insisted putting the mug down and moving to stand up. I push him down on the couch smiling a toothy grin, my fangs clearly showing (I get confused with a vampire a lot). "No no you stay here, I'll go get it," I smile at him going to answer the door.

Turns out it was just a wrong address as the small conversation ended. I returned to the living room, the giddiness in my stomach rising up to my cheeks making it flush and a grin spread on my face. I was just about to ask him how the coffee was but I was stopped immediately as I entered the smallish living room (like literally it only has space for a tv on the wall, a table, chair and couch. We keep the DVD's under the table. Neither Bulgaria or I have a pet so it's a nice idea to keep it there)...

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