Day 21: In bath/shower (Rusame part 2)

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Helloooo💕 So it seems you guys want a part 2! This is a follow up from day 20 so I hope you enjoy💕 This was suggested by LavenderHere and CherzmOfficial so hope you enjoy this chapter!

Ivan's POV

I smile as I finally got back. I was dressed in a suit as I had chocolates, roses and a gift in my hand. The space program wasn't supposed to end till next month but it got cancelled and I was going to surprise my fiancé. I open the door silently, expecting him to be on the couch chomping down on a burger from McDonalds. I was surprised to see he wasn't there. I heard crying as I immediately rush to the bedroom (where the noise was coming from).

I realize it was Alfred crying and he was holding the picture of the two of us. I look at him sadly as I sighed a bit. "Ivan please come back soon. My depression has been acting up again lately and I don't think I can hold it out much longer. Please Ivan I need you so much, please Ivan come back to me," I hear him whisper as my eyes widen when he mentioned his depression. When I met him he was on the edge of committing suicide. No like literally on the edge, he was about to jump from the roof of our school. I was starting to get concerned as I watch him from the doorway, he has yet to notice me.

"Please come back and still love me," he mumbles still crying as I was planning on making myself known. "What's wrong sunflower," I ask in a hushed tone. "Nothing Ivan...I just miss you," I was confused by the answer. "But I'm here my sunflower," I try to reassure him and get him to notice me. "No you're not!!! You're up in space! Probably getting over your feelings for me or something!" He screamed and sobbed as I suddenly realized what is happening. He thinks I'm imaginary? Must've been like when he lost his mother, he made an imaginary figure of her to cope with it.

It was silent as I processed what he said. He thought I moved on. I decided to unveil the surprise. "Hey sunflower, wanna do something fun?" I ask quietly as I was about to make myself known but was surprised to see Alfred sigh getting a dildo out and getting onto his knees. I blushed darkly as I see him jerk off to me. I would've stopped him and continued to pleasure him but I was too entranced by the scene. "IVAN I'M ABOUT TO!~ AHHH!~" He finally screamed as I see he came on the bed sheets. He pants putting the dildo on the night stand as he lays down, facing away from the door. "I miss my Ivan..." He mumbles as he holds onto the pillow.

I smile as I walk in and wrap my arms around climbing into the bed. He still smells of sweat and sex but I didn't care. I've waited years for when I have my fiancé, the love of my life, my sunflower back in my arms again. I feel him tense up probably not seeing this coming. "Up for another round sunflower?" I ask as he relaxed a bit.

Alfred's POV

I was surprised to hear and feel Ivan around me as I gasp a little. I couldn't believe it as I turned around in his grip seeing my fiancé. I started crying as I hugged him tightly. "Why is my sunflower crying?" He smiled gently sitting up and placing me on his lap. "Ivan...Is it really you?" I ask gently as I have had tons of dreams about Ivan coming back and then waking up. I feel him squeeze my ass as I leaned into him even more. "It is my sunflower. The rest of the space program was cancelled and I was set on an early release. I wanted to surprise my sunflower," I smile as I hugged him closely crying into his shoulder not caring that I was still naked. "I love you Ivan. I missed you so much my moon," I smile brightly at the nickname still holding onto him for dear life. "I love you too Alfred. I waited for the day where I could hold my sun like this," he smiles as he holds me close letting me cry in his chest, trying to calm me down.

He suddenly snapped something as he pulled away and grabbed my hands. He sighed seeing my self harm marks. "When sunflower?" He asks seriously and sadly. "I always self harm on Saturdays so it can heal a bit over the week. So basically last week," I answer honestly feeling a little guilty. He sighed picking me up and carrying me to the bathroom. He raised his eyebrow silently asking me where the razor is. "Top shelf," I pointed to the cupboard. He nodded getting the razor blade and stepped outside for a few minutes before returning and started running a bath. I looked at him confused.

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