The field trip (Fruk)

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Helloooo💕 Alright so I actually started writing this one on my birthday a few months ago. But this isn't inspired by my birthday I just really wanted to write it. Oh yeah this one is angst so yeah... This was also suggested by 0bluecanterella0 so I hope you enjoy💕

Arthur's POV

I sighed as I busied myself with reading the newspaper but all I can think about is my husband Francis. He was busy making pancakes for us and we didn't share a word. I sighed as I couldn't even finish the paper, my mind drifting to our marriage like it usually did. You know I always brushed it off when adults said 'after marriage the love dies'. I always said it was bullshit and that after marriage the love blooms more. Oh how I was wrong...

Before our marriage Francis always took me out on dates and always brought me bouquets of flower. Even when we had that stupid fight, he made that dramatic kissing in the rain scene by making Gilbert and Antonio use the hose and spray us with water! But now... We barely even share any words except thanks, morning, night and sometimes the forced 'I love you's'. Honestly if I knew this was how our relationship would turn out I would've just wanted to stay the same. I miss that romantic Francis even when at that time I pretended to be annoyed by it.

"What's wrong Arthur? You're crying," he asked handing me a plate and gently kneeling down. I noticed the tears at the memories as I immediately brush it away. "No it's nothing! I'm just surprised our boys are growing up so fast, I mean it's their first camping trip," I lied...well kind of. After a few months of marriage we adopted two boys Matthew and Alfred. I'm so glad they're growing up so fast and that they are happy. "I'll quickly go check on them, make sure they get everything," I quickly excused myself as I made my way to their shared bedroom. I helped them pack. They were running late so we give them a blueberry muffin for breakfast and some food for the bus. I gently kissed Francis's cheek. "Love you dear," I smile at him as he nodded. I sighed and got to the car.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Matthew asked me noticing my sadness. "Nothing Mattie. Are you two ready for your camping trip?" I change the subject as Alfred nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely! I can't wait to beat that communist bastard at all the games!" Alfred immediately said as I glare at him. "Language Alfred," I scold him as he rolls his eyes but smile anyway. "I'm excited to be in nature and hopefully make new friends," Matthew shyly admitted. "Didn't you and papa meet at a camp?" Alfred asked me as I nodded smiling a bit. "Yes we did. We were just as competitive as you and what's his name...Ivan. After camp we started hanging out more and papa soon asked me out," I explain to them as Matthew smirks. "You and Ivan sitting in a tree
K-I-S-S-I-N-" Matthew was chanting as Alfred gagged and begged him to stop. I chuckled and focused on the road as they argued.

We finally got to their school as I kissed their foreheads, giving them their bags. "Alright you both have your phones with you so call if you need anything. Be careful and take care of yourself. Matthew enjoy the nature and make some new friends alright? And Alfred...beat Ivan's ass in all those games," I smile at them as they laugh and hug me. "Dad language!" Alfred screamed laughing as I shake my head and let go of them. "Be careful," I reminded as they nodded and went to the bus. I smiled and waved at them as I climb in my car going back home.

"How can I bring back the love?" I ask to myself as I think. I smile a bit as I got an idea. Maybe I can make a cute date for us! Candles, roses, food and all those romantic things! He will love that! He is at work all day so I can set everything up. AND maybe I can buy myself some lingerie will help as well, I can't remember the last time we had sex and the sexual frustration is getting to me! Yeah that will work perfectly...I hope so at least...I love him so much I don't want it to go to waste...

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