A new lover (SwissMapleBeer)

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Hellooo💕❄️ Okay so I'm really excited for this chapter for the reason I actually love the idea of this ship, although a very rare ship. This is a plot I've only touched on once before in a Giripan fanfic I did, I really enjoyed writing it but I can only hope you guys, gals and non-binary pals like this too. This was suggested by SeitenbacherMuesli so I hope you enjoy this chapter❄️

⚠️Collaring, Bondage, Polyamorous relationship (A relationship where you have two or more partners). Human names are used, slight mentions of homelessness and very triggering thoughts in the beginning. Gilbert and Vasch is humans while Matthew is a neko (half human, half cat. Can change into a full cat. Or if he is in human form he has cat ears and a tail)⚠️

Matthew's POV

Is there really always a light at the end of the tunnel? (A/N Wow Matthew very morbid start) Since how my life's been going so far it seems like I'm in an endless tunnel. There's no light at the end of this tunnel. I curl up in a ball hiding in a box to keep myself from getting wet. You see as a young kitten my owner thought I was a normal kitty, but a few months later that changed. As soon as I opened my eyes my owner knew something was up. I mean it's not a very common thing for a cat to have purple eyes. What's worse is I inherited my dad's genes...

Meaning I can change from a cat to human (with cat ears and tail). Of course when my owners found that out I was thrown out as soon as I can fend for myself. Ever since then I just stayed in cat form. I didn't have any human clothes anyway so I had to stay in this cat form. I had to steal food every chance I got and when I'm not searching for food I stay in this small shelter I made for myself that I currently am in. I don't bother searching for a house or owners knowing if they found out about me being human as well that they would kick me out as well. Currently I look like a kitten because well I am 2 years old in cat years. Though as a human I'm actually 24 years old, so in my human form I look like an adult (or so I heard, I haven't changed into that form in a year and a half.

It started raining when I was on the hunt for food and I quickly had to get back to my shelter before I freeze. Which now leaves me cold, shivering and very hungry. I don't like leaving my hideout, so I go to get food every two days. It's been non-stop raining for 3 days so I was practically starving. I look out at the rain as I see the small window to a house. Inside I see a couple happily cuddled up in blankets and pillows watching a movie as they laughed and talked. I look at them sadly. I've always wanted a partner but all other cats ignore me so I gave up on that dream. Just as I was about to imagine me with my dream significant other I was interrupted by my stomach growling loudly.

I groan in pain. I was debating if I should go out and look for food and waste my energy when I find nothing leading me to freeze in the water. Or if I should stay here and starve to death. My blonde fur was already wet so whether I stay here or go out I'm going to freeze. I meow painfully and desperately as I think my choices through. Unlike other cats I can eat almost everything I wish, in all honestly I hate cat food. I would much rather have sweet pancakes and maple syrup. I hear my stomach grumble as I meow again. Before I could stand up to go search for food I was interrupted.

"Hey little guy. You hungry?" I hear a voice ask as I see a white haired man with red glowing eyes. At first he looked intimidating but that soft kind smile made me think he doesn't want to cause me harm. I froze for a while before softly meowing and nodding my head as a yes. He smiles at me and holds out his hand. At first I thought he was giving me a small treat but I soon discovered he wanted to befriend me and take me home. I hesitantly sniff his hand figuring I will just get food and a good nights rest before sneaking out early.

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