You sir, are under arrest! (Mintchocolate)

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Helloooo💕 Yes I know the last chapter was depressing so here is quite a funny one. This is suggested by 0bluecanterella0 and LondonKirkland so I hope you enjoy💕 (I just realized it's ironic I unveiled my 2pAmerica cosplay in the last chapter and now I'm writing this😂)

Arthur's POV

I sigh looking at the clock. All my fellow police officers have already left because unfortunately it's my turn on night patrol. Luckily that means I get to come in late tomorrow since they give me time to rest. "I'm guessing it's your turn on night patrol right?" My best friend in the business asked me. "Hey Kiku and yeah unfortunately it is. I'll see you tomorrow alright," I smile at him as I stand up getting my badge, taser and gun. "Good luck. Oh yeah just to tell you we got a new prisoner early this morning. Prisoner 11201. Uhh he is in the newest block so just check there," Kiku reminded as I nodded and smiled.

"You better go before they lock you in with me," I looked at the clock noticing the time. "What? You don't want me to catch you reading hentai on the job?" He teased as I groaned and playfully glared at him. "Oh don't pretend that you haven't. And no I'm going to go through the blocks and then just come back to my office and watch the security cameras," I told him smiling a bit. "Alright alright whatever you say. Here I brought you food for in case you got hungry," Kiku gave me a bag full of food as I smile and take it, placing it on my desk. "Thanks Kiku. But I'm serious you should probably get out of here before they lock you in. I'll see you later tomorrow," I smile at him as he nods and runs out. I chuckle and get everything set up for the night, linking my computer to the cameras.

Soon it was announced that the night patrol can begin. I sigh a bit as I make sure the cameras are working alright. I start walking around the building going into every block. You see during night patrol prisoners have to be asleep. It's almost like in camp when you were little where they told you when you should go to sleep, they usually called it lights out. If a prisoner is found awake after lights out they'd be seen as suspicious and will be put under strict supervision. This differs if your new since you don't know the rules yet. I check every cell to see as usual everyone is asleep. There was a few who didn't sleep but they were reading. I just told them if they're not sleeping by the time I'm back then there will be consequences.

I did a few rounds before going to the new block Kiku talked about. Like the name suggests the block is brand new and so far there is only one cell occupied. That's the prisoner that just arrived today. Allen Jones I think... I think that's the name but I might be wrong. If I had it right he wasn't arrested for anything big like thievery or murder. He was arrested for vandalism (he was caught spray painting an alleyway) and some cases of having sex in public. I snarl at the thought. I'm in my early 20's and I'm a virgin yet this punk in his teens (18/19 years old if I remember correctly) has had so much sex he was arrested. I finally reached it since it was all the way across the building. As suspected I see him sat up in bed.

"Excuse me mister Jones. We have protocol that says when night patrol is announced it means prisoners should be sleeping. I strongly advise going to bed now before you get in trouble," I glare at him as I could see bits and parts of him in the dim lighting. He had brown hair with extremely tanned skin. Not a fake tan though, he looked natural with such coloring. His eyes were a brownish red color and was staring at me with a seductive eyes making me shiver a bit. No one has given me that look since my ex broke up with me. He had snake bite piercings as well as a nose and eyebrow piercing. "I mean if you like it that way teacake~" He flirted as I glare at him. "Sorry to tell you but I have no interest in criminals. Turn off your lights please," I glare at him moving closer to the cell. Him doing the same.

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