Goodbye gift (WW2! Gerita+Prussia)

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Helloooo💕 I don't know how I'm going to write this but oh well let's see how this goes. ⚠️Okay this does contain very sadistic and masochistic behavior and there is whipping involved⚠️ No I'm not going to do Germancest, I'm more aiming to make Italy the middle. No historical things are going to take place except the fact that both Germany and Prussia are in the German military but that won't be focused on. Also this has to do with Italy switching sides in WW2. This was suggested by LondonKirkland so I hope you enjoy!!!💕

Italy's POV

I sigh as I return home from a rough talk with Romano, you see I'm siding with my boyfriend Germany in this war while my brother is not. Today my brother wanted to talk to me about 'switching sides' and even my boss thinks it's a good idea so I'm going to betray the love of my life. I'm sure Germany will understand and still love me right...right?

I finally made my way home as I open the door. I was surprised to see Germany making food, luckily not in his uniform anymore meaning he is planning on staying here for the night. I smile and hug him from behind smelling the cologne he always wears. He flinched a bit but smiled that rare smile nowadays petting my head. "Guten tag liebling, you had a good day?" Germany asked as he continued cooking. "Not really..." I sighed resting my head on his back. "How so?" He asked looking at me curiously. "It's nothing I just want hugs and kisses tonight," I reassured and requested as he smiled holding my hands. "Of course liebling, I'm just going to finish food then we can eat. Go rest alright," he instructed as I nodded lying down on the couch resting my eyes.

I didn't want to think of me leaving and betraying Germany and Japan. I sigh as I frown. In the end I can pray and beg and even sell my soul to Satan if I really wanted to but nothing can change what I'm going to do and I should just accept it. But...what if Germany doesn't love me anymore after that... Maybe I can surprise him one last time! Maybe a dinner date! Or actually training with him for a while! Or a lot of cuddles! ...No all of those ideas suck. Maybe-

I was just about to think of more ideas when the door opened up harshly and Prussia stepped in still in uniform. He has his own place but visits ever so often to see if we're okay. "Hey Ita-chan!!! Oh-West what a wonderful surprise!" He screamed as he hugged me close. I hugged back as I rested against him, it isn't uncommon he barges in here to check on me. "Bruder don't annoy Italia, he had a rough day," Germany scolded as Prussia looked at me concerned. "Everything alright Ita-chan? Other nations bullying you again?" Prussia asked making sure I'm alright. I smiled as I leaned against him, emotionally drained. "I'm just fine Prussia, just tired," I reassured as he nodded letting go of me. I suddenly had an idea.

"Prussia can I speak to you alone for a second?" I asked as he looked at me shocked but nodded as we went to another room. "What did you want to talk about?" He asked as I sighed telling him what was going on. He looked at me surprised but soon petted my head,"It's going to be alright Ita-chan. It's your boss's decision not yours, he won't hate you." "Thank you Prussia. Do you know what Germany may like to do before I have to go away?" I ask as he chuckled. "Well on one condition..." He says as I nod. "Anything," I simply replied as he told me what I should do and what the condition is. Let's hope this works...

Time skip~ (Still Italy's POV)

I handcuffed Germany to the wall after he was almost completely stripped of his clothing (he still had his boxers on). I may have slipped sleeping pills in his drink...
I wasn't used to being the more dominant one but according to Prussia, Germany has a bit of a masochistic side and told me what he will enjoy. He also mentioned something of a voyeurism kink, but that will come in later...

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