Day 27: Masks (Detective!UsUk)

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Hellooooo💕 Woohoo my OTP!!! So this one...
I have no idea how I'm gonna bring this out in the smut but I'll see. I hope you enjoy and this was suggested by MushyBakaBooks so hope you enjoy this! Hope you enjoy this💕

Arthur's POV

I smile as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black suit. I smile as I put on a black was with grey and white patterns on the one side. I smile even more. You see my partner and I was on a mission to a mascaraed ball and I was determined to find my love aka my partner (he gave me a challenge to find him before the mission starts). My glowing, toxic green stood out so it was a dead giveaway that it was me. That doesn't matter, I'm determined to find Alfred. The green eyes stood out even more because of the black. I smile as I went into the ball room. Here I come Alfred!

I walked around for a while looking for my partner. I walked through crowds as I looked at my watch. Crap the mission just started! I sigh as I go to the food table getting a champagne glass full as you guessed it champagne. I frown a bit as I had to put my one hand on the table and lean across the table. I felt someone put their hand on mine as they leaned over to whisper in my ear. I was about to struggle when he whispered in my ear grinding against me making me moan a bit. "If there wasn't so many people here, I'd fuck you right here on the table," I hear Alfred's voice whisper seductively in my ear as he continues to grind on me. I moan as I glare at him slightly,"Not here. The mission started." "Hmmm looks like I'm topping tonight," he smirked as I poured a bit. "Shut it," I stated firmly as he also got some champagne and we got started on the mission.

After the guy we inspected and spied on was declared innocent we headed to our house. I smile at him leaning against him as I admired his outfit. He was wearing a blue suit and blue mask. His blue mask had grey glitter on the tips of the mask while his suit had blue glitter on the hems of the jacket. It really brought out his beautiful blue eyes. "Stop admiring me. You can do that when we get home. Then we can also do fun things. That's if you want babe," he suggested as I still lean on him. "Of course love. I love you," I sigh still holding onto his arm. "I love you too babe," he kisses my forehead as we continued our way to the house, our masks still on.

Once we got home and he locked the door, he pinned me against the wall Ashe kissed me deeply immediately putting his tongue inside my mouth. I moan as he sucked on my tongue while exploring my mouth, I relaxed into the kiss as I felt my knees get weak. He noticed and picked me up, carrying me to the bedroom while still kissing me. He gently placed me on the bed as he pinned me to the bed after getting on top of me. He breaks the kiss and smiles at me. "Ready babe. Soft or rough?" He asked as I nodded immediately. "Rough please Alfred. And yes continue please," I smile at him as he nodded bringing me in for another kiss.

He got all my clothes off while kissing me and I was about take off my mask but he stopped me. "Keep it on. It looks pretty. Brings out your eyes," he smiles at me as I blush but nodded as I helped him strip off his own clothes. He kisses down my neck leaving harsh bite marks making me moan a bit as he licked up all the blood, making me moan a bit as it was sensitive. He continued to leave hickeys and bite marks everywhere on my body making me moan or hum all the time. He smirked licking my member as he kissed the tip of my member making me grip his hair, moaning loudly as the pleasure overwhelmed me.

He put some lube on his fingers as I stopped him. "No need for prepping. You can go in immediately," I requested as he hesitantly nodded and put some lube on his member. He slowly entered me as I moan in both pain and pleasure. He waited for a bit so I can get used to it. "Rough please," I smiled at him and nodded saying he can start moving. He pulled out almost all the way and thrusted back in at a hard pace, hitting my prostate head on. I moan in pure ecstasy as he continued thrusting into me, keeping the pace sometimes giving a harder and faster pace. But I knew he was holding back slightly.

"Alfred please use your full strength! Please I want it so bad!" I beg him as he hesitantly nodded once again, thrusting into me at an inhuman pace making ,e scream and moan in pure ecstasy at the pace. He started stroking and pumping my member in time with the thrusts making me moan and grip his hair tighter, playing with his cowlick making him even faster and harder. I felt my end coming and it seemed he noticed too because I kept tightening around him. "Close already babe?" He asked as he also moaned at my tightness. "Shut up and ahhh fuck me harder," I demand as he obliged continuing to pump and stroke my member while he thrusted into me.

Soon I came all over our chests as he came inside of me. I smile untying his mask as I got it off of him. I smile as I looked at him full of love and admiration. "I love you Alfred. And you're even more beautiful without the mask," I smile at him as he takes mine off as well, laying next to me. He was still in me so I moaned at the movement. He pulled out as he held me close and smiled at me. "I love you too Arthur. You are my beautiful partner," I smile at him as I cuddle close.

"Next time I'm topping," I announced as he chuckled. "We'll see babe..."

Hellooooo💕 Yes it's finally done. I hope you enjoyed and it's three more days to go! Well anyway till next time

Bye bye lovelies💕

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